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November 21 Day of Action at UC Davis, UCLA and UCR--REAL TIME UPDATES


378894_10150470941303086_687588085_10489UCD  General Assembly Beginning at Noon-- Reports of 4000 people already in the quad.  There has been discussion of two possible organizing goals:  

  1. Removal of UC police force from campus  
  2. A general strike on November 28th, the day of the teleconferenced Regents meeting.

First speakers at the G.A.--Emotional accounts from the students who were pepper sprayed last week.  They are calling for Chancellor Katehi's resignation.

PETITION:  Stop Use of Pepper Spray at UC:

12:30-Bill Camp from Sacramento Central Labor Council expressing labor solidarity with UC community, Crowd estimated at 5000 people!

Nov.%2021%20UCD%20Rally_2.jpgChancellor Katehi speaks, apologized, gets booed off the stage

Bob Samuels speaks, suggests Occupying teleconferenced Regents meeting at Davis on Nov. 28th.

Check our Media Achive for early coverage of todays actions

Check this open letter to Chancellor Katehi from UCD Faculty member Nathan Brown:

N.Y.U. Professor Refuses to Visit UC Davis, Calls for Katehi's Resignation

UCR-- General Assembly  Bell Tower 2pm

UCLA Schedule of Events

occuparty.jpgDAY TIME

All day, starting at 9am - outside of Powell Library - Info Table

12pm - steps of Powell Library - Rahim Kurwa "Race and Admissions" teach-out

2pm - steps of Powell Library - "Student Stories: Why Occupy"

3pm - March starting outside of Powell

4pm - steps of Powell Library - Dr. Sondra Hale "Academic Freedom?"

5pm - steps of Powell Library - "Student Stories: Why Occupy?" 


6:30-7pm - Bruin Plaza - Student Stories

7pm-into the night - Bruin Plaza - Occupation with Rally Com: They Protect the Bear, We Fight to Protect Public Education

