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November 28 Regents Meeting Action Schedule UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCSF Mission Bay


When: 8 am - 4 pm at all 4 Regents teleconference sites.regents_0.jpg

8:30 am – People’s Regents Meetings Begin Outside the Doors of the Teleconference

9 am – Public Comment Begins

10 am – Protest and delivery of 10,000 petition signatures to open the Regents to the 99%.

Visuals: Hundreds of students with signs and tents, some with gas masks to protest the use of pepper against peaceful student protesters.

UC Davis Campus: Activities and Recreation Center Ballroom,

UCLA Campus: James West Alumni Center,

UC Merced Campus: Kolligian Library, Room 232,

UCSF Mission Bay Community Center, 1675 Owens St.