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Update from Regents Meeting at UCSF Mission Bay


After the official public comment period ended, the group assembled at UC Merced began an alternate "People's Regents Meeting" using a human microphone.  After a few minutes, the feed from Merced was cutoff and the human mic picked up at UCSF.  For about twenty minutes, there were two meetings being conducted in the same room at UCSF.  The Regents attempted to continue with their business, while the People's Regents ran their own meeting through the human mic.  Eventually, the Regents moved to an adjacent room.

The People's Regents passed a few resolutions, including one requiring the resignation of Chancellor Birgeneau, Chancellor Katehi, and President Yudof.

Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom joined the People's Regents for a while.  He refused to sign the Refund California pledge, but he said is supportive of its contents.

Much of the public comment was directed at the Regents as individuals, their conflicts of interest, their lack of community of interest, and the way the University is governed by the Board.

As the People's Regents Meeting adjourned, participants left the building while chanting, "We are the People's Regents, we'll make the banks pay."