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A TtB Grammar Exercise for ESL and Foreign Language Teachers


This quick grammar excercise using TtB information can be used or adapted by ESL and foreign langauge instructors without taking time away from your usual class routine.   (Click here for a downloadable .doc)

  1. Correct grammar, spelling, and sentence level mistakes in the two paragraphs below.
  2. In 5-6 clear and concise sentences, summarize the two paragraphs.
  3. Quick-write:  Why do you think funding for prisons is higher than funding for education?

Since the year 2000 “fees” for attending UCR have increased from less than $5000 to over         $ 12000.  The administration have projected that without more state funding, it would have to go up 81% more between the next 4 years.  Currently, the follow is the University’s solution for students:  A Blue & Gold system, which entails that full fees be paid for householding incomes up to $ 80.000 per year. 

This “solution” is not without severely problems.  As many as 80% of our student, based on national income levels, are eligible after the fee waiver, so the university is taking the money out of account and putting it in another.  When fees was low, financial assistance help payed with housing, books, and living expenses.  Now, even Blue & Gold recipients have to work.  Inevitably, more work means less study, which in turn leads to grade inflation and, consequently, a decline in the value of a UCR degree and an increase in time it takes to completion that degree.  Why is state funding decreased while funding for prisons is more expensive than funding for education?   Voters want to keep the 3 strikes law even though it means lock up nonviolent felons.  Why?