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Dues Increase Passes--A Message from Bob Samuels


Dear UC-AFT members, 

Last week, UC-AFT members voted overwhelmingly in favor of the executive board's proposal for a modest dues increase.  The final results of the dues vote are in, and all nine locals voted in favor of the increase with very good voter turnout.  The fact that the increase passed by fairly wide margins on almost all campuses is reassuring and energizing for the UC-AFT executive board.  

I want to thank all of you who took the time to cast your ballot in this important vote.  Sound finances are essential to our work representing UC-AFT members and to our efforts to carry forward the issues that matter most to our union.  We recognize that union dues are a significant deduction from our member's paychecks and that this increase comes at a difficult time for many.  UC-AFT officers and staff remain committed to the ideals of fairness and equity, and to the work required to bring about improvements in our work lives.  Thank you for supporting UC-AFT!

In solidarity, 

Bob Samuels

UC-AFT President

Campus by Campus Results

UCB-SF--81% of voting members voted in favor

UCD--67% of voting members voted in favor

UCI--77% of voting members voted in favor

UCLA--59% of voting members voted in favor

UCM--54% of voting members voted in favor

UCR--60% of voting members voted in favor

UCSB--78% of voting members voted in favor

UCSC--81% of voting members voted in favor

UCSD--60% of voting members voted in favor