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UC-AFT Executive Board Election Results


At the April 21 Council meeting in San Francisco, UC-AFT conducted elections for the systemwide executive board.  

The offices of the board include: President, Vice President of Grievances, Vice President of Legislation,Vice President of Organizing, and Secretary-Treasurer.  Of these, the office of Vice President of Grievances was contested.

All incumbents in the uncontested seats were re-elected unanimously.  Alan Karras was re-elected as Vice President of Grievances.

UC-AFT Executive Board 2012-2013

President- Bob Samuels

V.P. of Grievances- Alan Karras

V.P of Legislation- Axel E. Borg

V.P. of Organizing- Mike Rotkin

Secretary-Treasurer- Miki Goral

Thanks to Sally Wiemer, Ken Lyons and Stephanie Kay for their work on the elections committee, and to all the members and local officers who participated in elections activities.