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UC-AFT Pushes Regents for Transparent Accounting of UC Online


UC-AFT President, Bob Samuels, spoke to the UC Regents yesterday about the current low cost of providing undergraduate instruction and he raised the concern that online education will not be successful at lowering costs further.  Bob also asked the Regents to instead focus on the real cost drivers at the University like administrative bloat, sports programs and amenities before rushing to lower costs in the classroom. 

See an outline of Bob's comments to the Regents here.

Position paper from UCOP to the Regents Committee on Eductional Policy discussed at yesterdays meeting.

Below are a few links to media coverage from the Regents meeting on Jan. 16, 2013:

Jerry Brown carries the day on online classes at UC, CSU  Sac Bee with quote from Bob Samuels

UC Regents pledge to expand online education in net few years  L.A. Times

University of California wants more classes online San Jose Mercury News

UC hopes to use Prop 30 funds to expand online course offerings  S.F. Examiner

Jerry Brown takes a new tack with UC Regents  L.A. Times