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Know Your Rights: What Pre-Six Lecturers Seeking Reappointment Need to Know


According to Article 7a of the Unit 18 MOU, an NSF who requests reappointment must be reviewed prior to reappointment.  UC-AFT recommends that all pre-six lecturers seeking reappointment notify their department during Winter quarter or early in the Spring semester to allow the department time to conduct a review. Thorough annual reviews will become an important component of the Continuing Appointment review file that will be prepared once an NSF reaches their 18th quarter or 12th semester.  These annual reviews provide an important opportunity for NSF to open discussions with department faculty and administrators about the review process and expectations, and also to highlight all the work you do for your department. For more info on pre-six appointments, check out: Ten Things Every Pre-Six Lecturer Should Know.