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UNIT 17 Librarian Contractual Rights Training--July 25 Burbank


10:00 AM   Welcome and introductions

10:20 AM   The Higher Education Employee/Employer Relations Act – an introduction

10:40 AM   The Duty of Fair Representation – where is it in HEERA?

11:00 AM   Weingarten Rights

  • Weingarten rights - NLRB v. J. Weingarten, Inc., 420 U.S. 251 (1975) – right of union representative to attend where a reasonable expectation exists that the meeting is to discuss discipline, discharge, or a change in personal working conditions

11:20 AM   Deadlines for the Grievance Procedure

12:00 PM   Lunch! Across the street in the CFT offices

1:00 PM   Arbitration

1:20 PM   Case Studies

3:40-4:00 PM   20 Minute Break                           

4:00 PM   Case Studies continued

5:00 PM   Workload Graphing

5:30 PM   Article 2 Review

6:00 PM   Adjourn