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UC-AFT Advocates to Regents on Presidential Selection Process

This speech was delivered on January 14, 2020 by Daniel Schoorl, UC-AFT V.P. for Organizing, at the Regents' Special Committee Meeting on Presidential Selection at UCLA.

UC Regents’ Special Committee Meeting
January 14, 2020

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #13 UC Irvine January 22-23, 2020

Tentative Agreement Reached on Article 38 Severabilityucaft190329a.png

A tentative agreement (TA) is reached when both sides accept proposed language for an article and agree to set it aside until agreement is reached on all other articles.

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #12 UC Berkeley January 15, 2020

As Contract Expiration Approached, UC Canceled Day One of this Two Day Sessionucaft190329a.png

At 8pm on Monday the 13th, UC’s chief negotiator, Nadine Fishell, cancelled bargaining on 14th. This last minute cancellation cost us valuable time. The clock was ticking toward contract expiration and every minute counted. Most of our team had already travelled to Berkeley, so we made the most of it and had a productive day working in-person on our proposals.

UC-AFT Faculty Contract Expiration Jan 31, 2020 -- What it Means

When a contract expires and negotiations continue, a few things in the contract may be subject to change. This post explains those changes as they relate to the UC-AFT Faculty (Unit 18) MOU and it provides a brief description of the later stages of the negotiation process.

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #11 UCSB December 12-13

Solidarity from UC Senate Faculty: President of the Council of UC Faculty Associations Confronts UC Administrationucaft190329a.png

Constance Penley, statewide president of the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) and UCSB senate faculty member, read a statement from CUCFA in support of our bargaining campaign and added her own powerful words of solidarity. She warned UCOP representatives “not to underestimate the strength of the ladder faculty support for our colleagues who are lecturers” and noted that major faculty and scholarly organizations such as AAUP and MLA have prioritized improving conditions for contingent faculty nationwide. She stressed that UCOP needs to finally “recognize, respect and reward the vital contributions that lecturers -- our colleagues -- make to the campus community.”

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #10 UCLA December 3

UCLA Members and Supporters Pack the Room...Again!ucaft190329a.png

Our members and student allies showed up in force at UCLA with a presence that filled the room all day. Several members gave moving testimony about failures in the appointment and reappointment process, delayed and/or forgotten merit reviews, including one unfairly punishing a new mother, as well as crooked attempts by the university to change employment terms mid-contract.

CUCFA Statement in Support of UC Lecturers 12-10-2019

The statement below was posted to the CUCFA website on December 10, 2019. It was sent to Janet Napolitano and UC Academic Senate Chair, Kum-Kum Bahvnani, and it was read aloud by Constance Penley in our bargaining session at UCSB.  Thanks and gratitude to our senate allies who are standing up to UC administrators in our fight for faculty equity and student success!


UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #9 UC Merced November 14-15

Our Proposals are Backed By National Trends & Senate Support is Growingucaft190329a.png

We shared the resolution recently passed by the UC Berkeley Academic Senate Division Council in support of us and our demands. A similar resolution was adopted by the UC Santa Cruz Division of the Academic Senate, and additional statements of support are in the works on other campuses. We’re grateful for this faculty solidarity and the recognition that precarity and contingency are problems for a united faculty to solve.

Preuss Bargaining Update November 2019


Since the last update (Sept. 6th) we have had the following bargaining dates on the books:

UC-AFT Insider November 2019

University Council-AFT Insider
November 7, 2019


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