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Unit 18 Bargaining Update #3, April 16 and 17, 2015

Hi Everyone,

First, I apologize for the late update. Last bargaining session turned into our weekend of planning actions on the statewide level for organizing in support of bargaining, which was held in Oakland directly after our bargaining session. Then, I had to catch up on my teaching.

UC-AFT Executive Board Election Results 2015

On Sunday April 19, representatives at the UC-AFT statewide Council meeting elected the following officers to the statewide Executive Board:

Council Agenda April 19 2015

10 am-12 pm (With Staff)
Budget Report and Review of Minutes
President's Report 
UC-AFT Election Committee
Coalition and Legislative Update
CFT Convention Update
AFT Higher Ed Conference
12-12:30 pm Lunch (With Staff)
12:30-2:30 pm (With Staff)
Lecturer Unit Update
Librarian Update
Internal Organizing Update
Union Structure Update

The California Federation of Teachers recognized UC-AFT's outstanding membership outreach and recruitment work with an Organizing Award.  UC-AFT had the third highest membership growth of all CFT locals in 2014!  

Bargaining Update #2 March 25-26, 2015

Last week we met with the UC for the second two-day session. On our side of the table were Bill Corman, our attorney, and team members from Merced, Irvine, Santa Barbara, and Riverside. In addition, our first visitors, members from the Merced campus, joined us.

Bargaining Team and Committee

Bargaining Team-  The bargaining team writes proposals and counter proposals and performs all the work associated with bargaining sessions.

Ben Harder- Chief Negotiator, UCR
Jon Lang- UCB
John Keeperman- UCI
Anapurna Pandey- UCSC
Bob Samuels- UCSB
Mia McIver- UCLA

Bargaining Committee- The bargaining committee consists of one to two representatives from each campus who participate in conference calls with the bargaining team and collect and distribute information on the campuses.  

UCB-  Margi Wald

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #1- March 3-4, 2015

This is the first of many bargaining updates about our successor bargaining with the UC system. The bargaining team met with the UC on March 3rd and 4th, and we began negotiations by discussing the most crucial parts of our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University.

Schedule of Bargaining Dates

June 11-12 (RF)  Irvine

June 17-18 (WR)  San Diego 

July 6-7 (MT)  Oakland

July 21-22 (TW) Irvine

Aug 3 (M)  Oakland 

Aug 20-21 (TF)  Irvine

Sept 3-4 (RF) Santa Barbara

Sept 21-22 (MT)  UCLA

Oct 13-15 (TWR)  Riverside

Oct 22-23 (THF) Santa Cruz

Oct 27-29 (TWR) in San Diego





UC-AFT Statewide Election Nominations 2015

The following slate has been nominated for the statewide UC-AFT Executive Board:

President- Bob Samuels
Vice President for Organizing- Chris Hables Gray
Vice President for Grievances- Sandra Baringer
Vice President for Legislation- Axel E. Borg
Secretary Treasurer- Miki Goral

Candidate Statements

On February 25, in solidarity with National Adjunct Day of Action, UC-AFT held events on several campuses to raise awareness about the affects of contingent employment on the quality of education at UC.    UC-AFT and UC begin negotiations this week over the full Unit 18 non-Senate faculty MOU. Many of the issues we raised on Feb 25 are central to improvements we will be working toward in contract negotiations:

  • About 65% of UC lecturers are employed part-time and many would accept additional courses if offered by their department.  
  • Only about one third of lecturers at UC have the relative security of a continuing appointment.  
  • Roughly 2000 part-time lecturers at UC are facing serious retirement insecurity because they do not receive Social Security benefits and they are not eligible for the UC pension fund.  
  • Very few departments at UC allow lecturers to attend faculty meetings, and almost none allow lecturers to vote on curricular decisions and other matters affecting their students.   

Read more to see pictures and media coverage of UC-AFT National Adjunct Walkout Day events.