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Lab School Bargaining Update #5 August 19


UC Management presented a proposed MOU this morning. The entire proposal is only 1 ¼ pages long, with a salary scale attached. The proposal is insulting and incomplete; it does not address the many concerns and priorities of UCLA Lab School Demonstration Teachers. UCLA Lab School Administration needs to address these concerns to create the conditions for students and teachers to thrive.


Demonstration Teachers passed 20 Proposals (link). UC-AFT and UCLA Lab School Demonstration Teachers’ position is that we have the right to negotiate all of these topics. The UC Management Team’s position is that they are only mandated to negotiate compensation.


On Monday, August 22, Principal Lazo communicated with the entire Lab School Community about management's proposal and the final school calendar. Unfortunately, her communication is a gross misrepresentation of Lab School management's engagement and intentions in the negotiation process. Specifically, her characterization of management's compensation proposal as "a comprehensive proposal to acknowledge Demonstration Teacher’s work" is extremely misleading. Please read the Demonstration Teacher's summary of management's proposal (link).


Demonstration Teachers at the session expressed their extreme disappointment in UCLA Lab School administration’s total refusal to engage in a robust process that addresses the needs of teachers and our school. Below are their sentiments:

Demonstration Teacher (DT) 1: I have taught at the lab school for 12 years and I have never been this demoralized. How is it that previous principals were able to work and collaborate with us? Norma Silva and Margaret Heritage were advocates for teachers.

DT 2: Compensation alone will not fix the problems at our school. We retain the right to negotiate a full contract. Demonstration Teachers are united.

DT 3: We will continue to serve children and do our jobs but you need to understand that the impact of this proposal on morale will be detrimental to our school and our community. We feel deprofessionalized.

DT 4: We have a righteous position and a righteous cause. We are here because we care about children and our work. Teaching conditions are learning conditions.


DT 5: This is not a serious proposal. It is harmful. The same care and respect that we extend to children is not being extended to us. The empathy that is so important to our Safe School values is completely lacking in your proposal. How can we pour from an empty bucket?


DT 6: We don’t understand why we aren’t being treated with the same respect as Geffen and Preuss educators. We don’t understand why Sandy McDonough is here instead of someone from UC Labor Relations. We don’t understand how we are in this place before the beginning of the school year. How is this happening?

DT 7: I feel physically ill seeing this proposal. Georgia, you said this proposal reflects the unique work we do and the three pillars of our mission. This does nothing to bring our community together and set the tone to work collaboratively in the future. In what ways does this honor the work we do?

DT 8: I have never worked in an environment that has made me feel like this. Georgia, you said you value us. How does this completely inadequate response reflect that value? How does this respect us as professionals and humans?


DT 9: I’ve worked at the lab school for 18 years. This is the first year I have been sad to return because of this upsetting situation with negotiations. How do you expect us to start the school year, creating wonderful, supportive learning environments for children when you give us a proposal that does not value us as educators and humans?

The UCLA Lab School Administration and UC Management have an opportunity to take action to improve morale, honor Demonstration Teachers as professionals, and prioritize the needs of children and teachers.


We are calling on Principal Lazo and UC Management to provide counter proposals on the full range of topics. The entire lab school community is counting on Principal Lazo and UC Management to do the right thing before the school year begins.


This chart compares negotiations at each of the UC PreK-12 schools. Why are Lab School teachers being treated so differently and so unfairly?

Proposals of concern to UCLA Lab School Families

The Geffen



The Preuss School UCSD MOU

UC Management Proposal for Lab School

Aug.18, 2022

Appointments & Merit Increases

(promotion process and timelines - important for recruiting and retaining educators)













Instructional Support

(substitutes and important supports)



Article 8



Article 8



Professional Concerns (funding for professional development)


Article 9


Article 9




Article 21


Article 21


Instructional Workload (team teaching and cap on class size)



Article 24



Article 24


Academic Calendar (calendar process, instructional days, planning time, teacher planning days, etc.)


Article 29


Article 29



You may read the entirety of the following MOUs:

Geffen Academy

Preuss School UCSD

UCLA Lab School Demonstration Teacher’s Proposal

Summary of management's proposal