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UC-AFT Insider April 2010


UC-AFT Insider
April 1, 2010

In this issue:

  • Unit 18 Survey--Layoff and Reduction in Time  (Deadline April 15th)
  • March 4th—Where Do We Go from Here?
  • Commission on the Future of UC
  • March for Education—The Fight for California’s Future
  • Bob Samuel’s Huffington Post Articles
  • UC-AFT Political Endorsements—California Democracy Act--Sign and Submit Today
  • UC-AFT Executive Board Elections
  • CFT Convention- UC-AFT and Higher Education Resolutions


Unit 18 Survey--Layoff and Reduction in Time Survey (Deadline April 15th)
UC-AFT is gathering information about the affects of budget cuts on the quality and quantity of non-Senate faculty positions.  We have posted a brief survey online to help us gather this information.  If you are a Lecturer, please click the link below and complete the survey.  This survey will only take a few minutes of your time, but the information we gather will be very useful for understanding the extent of the impacts of budget cuts on our jobs.  The deadline to complete the survey is April 15.

March 4th—Where Do We Go from Here?
Follow the link below for a day after analysis of March 4th events and some thoughts on where the movement to defend public education should go from here.


Commission of the Future of UC
The Commission on the Future of UC released its initial recommendations at the Regent’s meeting in San Francisco on March 23.  UC-AFT has established a website to provide news, information, and analysis of Commission recommendations.  The Commission will continue to collect input prior to its report to the Regents in June, then again prior to its final recommendations in Fall 2010.  See the links below for more information.


March for Education—Fight for California’s Future
On March 5th, CFT activists embarked upon a multi-week march from Bakersfield to Sacramento to urge Californians to pick up and keep up the struggle for a better future.  The march is in support of three fundamental ideas:  Restore the promise of public education, a government and economy that work for all Californians, and fair tax and budget policies to fund California’s future.  Click the links below to meet the marchers, see the route, and read weekly updates on march progress.  The march will end by April 21.


UC-AFT President Bob Samuel’s recent Huffington Post Articles 

UC-AFT Political Endorsements—California Democracy Act—Sign and Submit Today!
It is not too late to sign the petition to get the California Democracy Act on the ballot.  Click the link below to download the petition and mail it to the campaign.  All the information you need is on this website.  Don’t delay…the campaign must receive these petitions by Monday April 5th.


UC-AFT Executive Board Elections and Candidate Statements
UC-AFT holds elections for it system wide executive board every year at our spring Council meeting.  The spring Council meeting will be held on Saturday April 1 at the Berkeley Faculty Club.  Candidate statements are posted at the following link: 


CFT Convention- UC-AFT and Higher Education Resolutions
UC-AFT sent five delegates to the CFT Convention in Los Angeles on March 21-23.  UC-AFT delegates put forward two resolutions, one in support of school libraries and librarians, the other in support of the California Democracy Act.  Follow the link below to see all the resolutions addressing higher education issues that passed at the convention.

If you have not already joined the union, please fill out the attached membership form, or download one from our website.  You are represented by UC-AFT, but representation and deductions from your pay do not mean that you are automatically a member.  You can mail the completed application to the address on the bottom of the form, or contact your local staff for assistance. 


The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.