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UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #19 Zoom May 15

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Session #19ucaft190329a.png

May 15, 2020


Full Contract Bargaining Continues with Focus on Career Pathways for All Lecturers

During the session, our UC-AFT team pressed the UC’s administrators on their proposal for a new career path to Senior Continuing Lecturer. While we’re happy that management agrees with us that such a promotional opportunity is important for lecturers’ continued growth and career development, their most recent proposal would not permit many continuing lecturers to actually move up.

UC-AFT Press Conference April 10: COVID-19 Issues for Teaching Faculty Unaddressed by UC

On April 10, UC-AFT held a press conference to share stories from UC's teaching faculty about our experiences transitioning our courses to online formats and the near absence of meaningful support from UC during this time.  UC's teaching faculty rapidly moved courses online with extreme effort in order to maintain instruction through COVID-19 campus closures and remote work orders.  UC has not acknowledged this additional workload or committed to fairly compensate our instructors for it.  UC has refused to pay for internet service or augmentations for faculty who need it and instead has sug

Statewide Council Board Annual Election Results 2020

Our annual, statewide Council Executive Board officer elections were conducted at our March 21 Council meeting which was held via Zoom.  All incumbents who ran were re-elected. There is a vacancy in the office of Vice President for Grievances.  A vacancy election will be conducted this spring prior to the beginning of the next terms on June 15.  Nomination and election details for the vacancy election will be announced soon.

Congratulations to our continuing Council Executive Board members:

Bargaining Statement: Crisis Shows Need for Stable Teaching Faculty

This statement was written and read in bargaining on March 21 by UCB Legal Studies Lecturer, Ben Brown.

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #17 Zoom March 21

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Session #17

March 21, 2020


Advocating for Teaching Faculty in the Midst of Crisis ucaft190329a.png

With the entire State of California now under a “stay at home” order, this week was UC-AFT’s first virtual bargaining session convened on Zoom. Berkeley Law lecturer and bargaining team member Ben Brown opened the session with a powerful personal statement that eloquently situated the events of the past two weeks in the context of our ongoing contract negotiations.

Covid-19 Resource Page

This page is dedicated to UC-AFT's response to COVID-19 and to resources from within and outside of UC that may support our members during this public health crisis. Thank you for the important work you’re doing to support UC students and your colleagues through this challenging time.

UC Union Coalition letter to Drake Urging Extension of COVID Relief Benefits January 12, 2022

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #16 UC San Diego March 13

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March 13, 2020

UC San Diego

Advocating for Teaching Faculty in the Midst of Crisis

Teaching faculty across the UC system are facing new challenges and stressors as the COVID-19 pandemic affects our work and home lives. On Friday, the UC-AFT negotiating team came to the table with A) stories from members about the heroic efforts UC-AFT faculty are making to keep teaching and reaching students during the crisis, and B) proposals to ensure high quality instruction this spring and protect the safety and livelihoods of our members.