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UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #23 Zoom July 22

UC-AFT Passes Three Proposals on Job Stability, New Faculty Orientations, and Release Timeucaft190329a.png

Nearly 100 UC-AFT members and supporters backed the UC-AFT volunteer faculty negotiators as they presented our latest counterproposal on Article 7a--Pre-Six Appointments. We’re standing firm on our demands for rehiring rights, multi-year appointments, earlier appointment letters, notice of non-reappointment, and peer-reviewed evaluations of teaching.

CFT and UC-AFT Statement on Michael Drake Hiring as UC President

CFT and UC-AFT leaders congratulate Michael V. Drake on his historic hiring as the new UC President

July 14, 2020

For immediate release
California Federation of Teachers & UC-AFT

Contact: Matthew Hardy (CFT) – 510-703-5291, Crystal Chang (UC-AFT) – 415-961-7962

CFT President Jeff Freitas and UC-AFT President Mia McIver released the following statement on the historic hiring of Michael V. Drake, M.D., as the next President of the University of California:

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #22 Zoom July 14

Over 160 Members and Allies Pack the Zoom Room!ucaft190329a.png

We set a record for the number of lecturers and allies attending bargaining on July 14. Even more impressive was the fact that the vast majority of the folks on the call said out loud: “If UC admin forces us to impasses, I will support a strike.” This was a massive and impressive display of collective power. Nadine Fishel - the UC chief negotiator - did not like that one bit and tried to downplay her own decision-making authority.

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update Sessions #20 (6/19) and #21 (6/24) Zoom

UC Punts Again on Job Stability and Career Pathwayucaft190329a.png

In short, on June 19:
Having taken three weeks to examine our emergency-formulated, extraordinary circumstance-motivated, burden-shouldering proposal for Job Stability and Career Pathway, UC negotiators were prepared to say … that they’ll have answers for us next time.

Then, on June 24:
UC’s negotiators responded to our job security proposal with the following: A supposal for a sideletter to the contract that would describe a “pilot program” to grant pre-continuing lecturers “the right” to inform their departments about courses we believe we are qualified to teach.

Candidate Statements Vice President for Grievances Special Election 2020

Every Spring at our statewide Council Meeting, we elect statewide officers for the next academic year. This year we are conducting a special election to fill our vacant Vice President for Grievances seat. The call for nominations and candidate statements are posted below.

Call for Nominations: Special Election for Vice President for Grievances (Term: July 11, 2020 - June 14, 2021)

Preuss Bargaining Update June 4 2020

Negotiations on My 28 had over twenty member observers!  UC-AFT passed our full proposal focusing on coming to agreement around three articles all having to do with academic professionalism and the professional workday.

Special Election Nominations Period: Vice President for Grievances

Every Spring at our statewide Council Meeting, we elect statewide officers for the next academic year. This year we are conducting a special election to fill our vacant Vice President for Grievances seat.

Call for Nominations: Special Election for Vice President for Grievances (Term: July 11, 2020 - June 14, 2021)

For more information on the duties associated with this office, see the UC-AFT Constitution and Bylaws.