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Problematizing Police: Online Teach-in with Educators and Labor Organizers

Problematizing Police: Online Teach-in with Educators and Labor Organizers
Monday October 12, 2020
4:00 PM PST on Zoom
A panel discussion with members of:
UAW 2865
GEO 3550
SEIU Drop the Cops
Cops Off Campus
United Teachers Los Angeles
No Cop Unions / National Women's Law Center United / SAG-AFTRA

UC-AFT Parents Caucus: COVID Paid Leave for Parents

The inaugural meeting of our UC-AFT Parents Caucus was held August 28 -- and we began (as expected) by sharing pictures and bragging about our kids! Our group included parents with babies to parents of kids beginning college.

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #28 September 15 Zoom

Stability Makes Administrative Sense and Improves Quality of Instructionucaft190329a.png

“As a student, I strongly agree with what the other folks here are saying regarding stability. I have always had much better class experiences from teachers that have been able to stick around for a while and know the departments, systems, etc. If my teachers aren’t able to do that, because of a lack of stability in their contract, it really hurts the educational experience for students like me.

UC-AFT Member Hardship Fund

The UC-AFT Committee on Housing, Homelessness, Renters’ Rights, and Refugees (HHRRR) has made it our major work to establish, organize, and publicize the new UC-AFT Member Hardship Fund, to help mitigate the effects of the current health and economic crises for our members.

To contribute to the UC-AFT Member Hardship Fund, click the contribute button below.

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #25 August 19 Zoom

“I Will Not Vote for a Contract that Does Not Include Job Stability”ucaft190329a.png

During observer introductions, dozens of lecturers affirmed and re-affirmed to UC management’s executives and lawyers that they will not vote to ratify a contract that lacks significant improvements in pre-continuing job stability.

Preuss Faculty Bargaining--New Memorandum Ratified

On July 27, 2020, our Preuss bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with University and Preuss management.  
In a unanimous vote, our members ratified the agreement a few days later.  

Preuss School Memorandum 2020-24

Preuss School Memorandum Appendix A 2020-24

UC Union Coalition Letter to Drake on Gradual Reopening July 28, 2020

Downloadable PDF version

July 28, 2020

Office of the President
University of California
1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor

Oakland, CA 94607

Sent Via Email:,

Dear Presidents Drake and Napolitano:

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #24 July 29 Zoom

UC’s Lead Negotiator Disavows High Faculty Turnover Rateucaft190329a.png

Representing the UC Office of the President, lead negotiator Nadine Fishel said that UC admin is “interested in solving problems and coming up with solutions.” But when asked directly whether UCOP considers a documented 26% annual turnover rate (meaning about 1600 teaching faculty lose their jobs each year) to be a problem, Fishel said she “wouldn’t necessarily characterize it as very high,” and told us that “assistant professors also don’t have job security, so you’re not the only employees at the UC in this situation.”