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UC-AFT Pushes Back on Higher Employee Pension Contributions

Working closely with and building on research performed by CUCFA Executive Director, Eric Hayes, UC-AFT Vice President for Legislation, John Rundin submitted this letter to the UCRS Advisory Board on August 26.

PDF of Letter

PO Box 73035
Davis CA 95617
August 26, 2019

UC-AFT Members Stand Up to Support AFSCME's Fight Against Outsourcing of UC Jobs

On August 20, Five UC-AFT representatives—UC Davis lecturers Sasha Abramsky, William Sewell, Katie Rodger, and John Rundin along with former UC-AFT president Kevin Roddy— showed up at a California Senate's Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee hearing to back a bill, ACA 14 (Gonzalez), which was facing an important vote.

Geffen Faculty Bargaining Update #2 July 29, 2019

Geffen Faculty Bargaining Update #2pwmHIHm-EbtqQBr1NQx0MXUNDc7XQlXCWV3jo1Weg63hAdtmxAwEv4AlIwu3ahdffK2SqJnHddfnB_-rLz1WIz9UIlxdjEqhGvTSo1K0v3dbz_9lfp-z3faWxxRc5mOPQi399E6Kn84GRSpsOQ

July 29th, 2019

Your GA bargaining team (Lisa, Sean, and Christian, with support from UC-AFT President Mia McIver) met with UC admin* on July 29th for our second bargaining session. We were hoping for a positive response to the proposals we had presented on July 16th concerning retirement benefits credit, the GA calendar, timelines for appointments and reappointments, workload policies, and paid personal leave. We wanted to reach agreement on these highest priorities before the academic year began, then continue negotiating over other issues.

UC-AFT Insider August 2019

University Council-AFT Insider
August 7, 2019

Action Item: Sign and Share our Faculty Equity 1% Salary Petition

In this issue:

  • Check Your Stub: Aug 1 Pay Increases…Short 1% and Other Problems
  • UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #5…UC Calls Names and Walks Out
  • L.A. Fed Op-Ed, by Daniel Schoorl…UC-AFT Reinvigorated Post-Janus
  • UCLA Temporary Librarians Honored for Activism by Society of American Archivists

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #5 UC Los Angeles July 31

Powerful Member Testimonials: “The Workload is Too Damn High”ucaft190329a.png
The UCLA bargaining session began, once again, with deeply personal and powerful member testimonials on negative impacts to our members, our families and to our careers from excessive workload, disrespectful hiring and reappointment practices, underemployment, and systematic, forced turnover.

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #4 UC San Diego July 19

UCOP ignores need for adequate office space and student confidentialityucaft190329a.png

UC continued to roll out take away proposals, while UC-AFT pressed on with principled and well researched proposals for Parental and Academic Leave.


UC-AFT Resolution to Oppose Racist Language from the White House

This resolution was unanimously passed at the July 20, 2019 UC-AFT Council meeting.


Preuss Faculty Bargaining Update #1 July 19 2019

We came prepared and ready to fight for our members!r2wOLdVdYzrcMlrmLZDcBtDdo0t4IlIOUqz68exWAOYHQ1tQ1bdQgH7iH3O9arMfe8E15UJnuYxD6vC3b4l2V6kEecmzwTnj6RRCttooU8uN5Vxqp02LoYNOYi5Fk4iNfV6BxASX

On Friday, July 19th our Preuss bargaining team began negotiations with the UC and Preuss administration.

Geffen Faculty Bargaining Update #1 July 15 2019

Day One: Five Proposals From UC-AFT Geffen Facultye8-_y-Q8eFqF3PenmVpH-F4cq_AbDVl7WBaBOoZZ_TvBsFbyPPzDDjzWRAaqmNMrIsi6Ka0hrp7zme2BzmR1HAitvoCi4VA4H-iVreFpiUqmQ_gOzgL6OmzNQTUZJi1StBANn3Iv

Your bargaining committee, along with UC-AFT President and UCLA Lecturer, Mia McIver, and UC-AFT Field Rep, Holly Craig-Wehrle, met today with Sibyll, Nancy, Carol Goldberg (chair of GA advisory committee) and three people from UCLA labor relations.


President McIver Op-ed--Lecturers Deserve Better...

This op-ed was originally published in the Daily Cal on July 3, 2019.

When you choose a class to take, you probably check to see who the instructor is and what other students say about them.

But how often do you investigate your faculty member’s job title?