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University Council-AFT Insider January 2014

University Council-AFT Insider
January 9, 2014

In this issue: 

·       Building a Stronger Union—UC-AFT Organizing in 2015

·       UC-AFT Plan for Enhancing Affordability, Access and Quality at UC

·       Major Victory at UCLA—An End to the Abuse of the Adjunct Professor Job Title?  

·       Know Your Rights—Non-Senate Faculty:  Article 8 Instructional Support

University Council-AFT Insider November 2014

University Council-AFT Insider
November 6, 2014

In this issue: 

·       Unit 18 Bargaining Survey Now Available Online

·       Welcome Us, Support Us, Thank Us—Recommendations for Our Tenure Track Colleagues

·       Do Student Evaluations Really Measure Teaching Effectiveness?

·       UC-AFT in the Library—Agreement Reached on Requests for Points in Librarian Merit Reviews

University Council-AFT Insider July 2015

University Council-AFT Insider                    
July 7, 2015

In this issue:

Bargaining Interlude: Union Power Builds with UCI Action

Before we went to Irvine on June 11, we knew things would be different. First of all, the Local was planning a demonstration to protest reduced appointments for pre-continuing lecturers in the English Department for the upcoming year. Most people lost classes, and a few have not been reappointed.

The UC got wind of the protests, and moved our meetings from the Administration to the Student Center, and I was told to tell “my people” not to go to the Administration building. I found it amusing that anyone in the UC thinks that academic employees are controllable in that manner.

Bargaining Update #6: June 11-12 and 17-18

Summer Time, but the Livin’ ain’t Easy

June 11-12 – Article 17 Layoff, Article 23 Summer Sessions, Article 9 Professional Concerns

While the folks on semester campuses were settling into their vacations, those of us on quarter campuses were fighting through the end of the Spring Quarter. In addition, we bargained with the University during Finals Week and the week after that (June 11-12 in Irvine and June 17-18 in San Diego).

On Thursday June 11, nearly 30 Lecturers at UCI attended Unit 18 contract negotiations to tell UC negotiators that stability in lecturer appointments matters.  Lecturers read a statement protesting a proposal by the UCI Humanities Dean that would significantly impact lecturers and graduate students, while lowering the quality of instruction provided to undergrads.  Read on to watch the video and sign the petition against the 5-2 plan.

UC-AFT Insider January 2015

University Council-AFT Insider
January 9, 2015

In this issue: 

UC-AFT Insider February 2015

University Council-AFT Insider
February 6, 2015

In this issue: 

UC-AFT Insider March 2015

University Council-AFT Insider
March 8, 2015

In this issue: