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Bargaining Update #9 August 4, 21-22 and September 3-4

Bargaining Update—Covering August and September

I.   At the start of August, we had one meeting with the UC in Oakland, followed by a meeting of UC-AFT’s Lecturer Bargaining Committee.

Bargaining Update #10 UCLA September 21-22

As everyone else on the quarter system was attending start-of-the-year department meetings and finalizing their syllabi, the negotiating team was meeting with UC’s team in UCLA. At this session, we continued our efforts to settle the less important pieces of our contract so that we can concentrate on our core goals: 1) access to retirement benefits (at least Social Security) for ALL Lecturers, and 2) stability for pre-continuing Lecturers.

UC-AFT Insider: Back in Session--Let’s Organize for Bargaining!

University Council-AFT Insider                    
September 13, 2015

In this issue:

UC-AFT Member Spotlight: Mitchell Brown--UCI Research Librarian, Artist and UC-AFT Leader

Mitchell Brown.jpegMitchell Brown is UCI’s Research Librarian for Chemistry, Earth System Science and Russian Studies. He’s also the Scholarly Communications Coordinator in the library’s Scholarly Communication and Management Program.

Bargaining Update #8 July 21- 22 Irvine

This last Tuesday and Wednesday, July 21 and 22, the team met with the UC in Irvine. While there were no protests, there were important moments in the negotiations.

I. Tuesday, July 21

First, on July 21 we began by presenting the UC with our ideas for how the pension should look. Basically, we presented the following principles:

If the UC caps the income that can be calculated for pension benefits, then we need our high-earning Lecturers to have the same supplemental retirement programs that other high earners receive.

Bargaining Update #7: July 6-7, 2015

The parties met last Monday and Tuesday, July 6 and 7, to discuss pension and retirement issues, pre-continuing appointments, and a host of technical articles.

University Council-AFT Insider August 2014

University Council-AFT Insider
August 4, 2014

UC-AFT Field Representative, Honora St.Clair, formerly Honora Keller, is transferring from San Diego to Riverside.  She will continue to work half time at Irvine in addition to Riverside.  UC-AFT thanks Honora for her great work in San Diego and welcomes her to Local 1966 in Riverside.

In this issue:

·       Ten Ways UC Faculty Can Combat Contingency and Support Lecturers Now