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UC-AFT Locals continue to organize in support of a fair contract for non-senate faculty at UC. On November 18, Local 1474 at Berkeley held a huge rally with about 250 people in attendance. Faculty, staff and student speakers gave incredible speeches in support of stable appointments and fair benefits for lecturers.  Check out the video on UC-AFT's YouTube page.  On December 4, Local 2226 at Irvine held an informational picket with a UCOP who stole Christmas theme. They had a large grinch costume and lots of literature for passers-by.  Check out the picture in this O.C. Register story.





Bargaining Update #17 December 3-4 Oakland

On quarter campuses, last week was the last week of instruction before final exams. Students everywhere were desperately trying to finish two months’ worth of work in four days, and prepare for Finals. It’s somewhat comforting as well as aggravating that the University of California takes the same approach to negotiating. At least I’m used to that schedule.

Bargaining Update #16 November 17-18 Oakland & Berkeley

This week we met in Oakland on Tuesday and Berkeley's Clark Kerr campus on Wednesday. 

The highlight for me was the wonderful protest in front of a Berkeley administration building, I’m not great at counting crowds, but I estimate over 100 people, and Lecturers from Berkeley, Davis, Merced, and Santa Cruz (along with the bargaining representatives from Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Irvine, and Riverside, so eight of the nine UC campuses represented). It was a great event.

After nine months of bargaining and two contract extensions, negotiations over the Unit 18 MOU have reached a critical point.  Rally Nov. 18 Berekely.
Rally Details      
11:30am: Gather at Barrows- march down to California Hall
Noon: Rally at California Hall with speakers including students, senate faculty allies, and members of bargaining team 
12:35pm: March to Campanile to show solidarity with our students participating in a walkout organized by the Black Student Union

Bargaining Update #15 October 27-30 San Diego

Bargaining Update: A Very Mixed Bag--Contract extended to December 10

This week in San Diego was supposed to be the time when the sides figured out where we stand, and bargained in earnest about the few vital issues that remained. Instead, negotiations were bogged down as we made a detour into the Article 12—Leaves. Also, we had received both positive and negative signals from their team.

Bargaining Update #14 October 23, 2015 Santa Cruz

Today, we passed Article 35—No Strikes/No Lockout, and Article 42—Online Instruction. We want to protect Lecturers from unfair language about job actions. Also, we want to prevent misuse of online instruction and help Lecturers make transitions to a new medium of instruction, as it develops.

Bargaining Update #13 October 22, 2015 Santa Cruz

Today we bargained in the Human Resources offices at UC Santa Cruz. We unloaded a huge amount of language on them: we passed proposals on the following Articles: 7a, 7b, 7c, 8, and 17.

In these proposals, we are fighting for:

Bargaining Update #12 October 15, 2015 Riverside

Today we had a tough day, but we drove the UC from the table as they could not tolerate our demands for more stable and consistent Lecturer appointments. They left the table, came back, made a statement, and broke for the day.

Bargaining Update #11 October 14, 2015 Riverside

Yesterday and today we spent waiting, and sometimes writing. We had told the UC about four times that they needed to present a proposal on Article 7b, which governs the process of achieving a continuing appointment. (Yes, all lecturers can get continuing appointments, and if someone has told you cannot, that person is violating our contract, and we would like to know.)

We needed to see their proposal because without it, we cannot make our proposals on Lecturer appointments and layoff. In any case, we didn’t get their proposal  until 5:00 P.M.

UC-AFT Welcomes Students To Campus with Tips for Success

Lecturer teaching conditions are student learning conditions. This is not just a sound bite.  It is the fundamental idea at the heart of UC-AFT’s You See (UC) Democracy? campaign. The standard for success for lecturers at UC is excellence in teaching. There will be fewer barriers to excellent teaching when teaching faculty are fully enfranchised within our departments and on our campuses.