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UC-AFT Member Spotlight--Ben Harder: Writing Lecturer and Unit 18 Chief Negotiator

BenHarder.JPGOne of the first things Ben Harder did upon joining UC-AFT was support his fellow lecturers on the picket line as a strike captain during our 2003 strike.

UC-AFT Member Spotlight--Carole Paul: Art Historian, Lecturer...and Full Professor?

CarolePaul_profile_pic_0.jpgCarole Paul is an accomplished lecturer in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at UCSB, where she has taught since 1994.

A recent two-part post on Remaking the University examines the reasons why senate faculty are complicit in the crisis of contingency in higher education and proposes that one solution is for departments to vow to stop hiring contingent faculty.  While it’s clear that it will take a bold effort and some serious soul (and funding) searching on the part of senate faculty to reverse the trend of hiring off the tenure track, there are several easy ways that UC faculty can mitigate the impacts of contingency on lecturers and on students right now!. 

UC-AFT Member Spotlight--Carole Paul: Art Historian, Lecturer and...Professor?

CarolePaul_profile_pic_0.jpgCarole Paul is an accomplished lecturer in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at UCSB, where she has taught since 1994.

UNIT 17 Librarian Contractual Rights Training--July 25 Burbank

10:00 AM   Welcome and introductions

10:20 AM   The Higher Education Employee/Employer Relations Act – an introduction

10:40 AM   The Duty of Fair Representation – where is it in HEERA?

11:00 AM   Weingarten Rights

Contractual Rights Training 2014--Scenario #4

The following are typical fact situations that may be presented to grievance stewards by unit members.  For each, we will discuss the following in small groups, then as a whole:

1.  Is this a gripe or a grievance?

2.  If it’s a grievance, which articles and subsections does it violate?

3.  If it’s a grievance, what kind of evidence do you need?  How are you going to get it: RFI, data base research, other?

4.  To the extent time allows, fill out a grievance form.


Contractual Rights Training 2014--Scenario #3

The following are typical fact situations that may be presented to grievance stewards by unit members.  For each, we will discuss the following in small groups, then as a whole:

1.  Is this a gripe or a grievance?

2.  If it’s a grievance, which articles and subsections does it violate?

3.  If it’s a grievance, what kind of evidence do you need?  How are you going to get it: RFI, data base research, other?

4.  To the extent time allows, fill out a grievance form.


Contractual Rights Training 2014--Scenario #2

The following are typical fact situations that may be presented to grievance stewards by unit members.  For each, we will discuss the following in small groups, then as a whole:

1.  Is this a gripe or a grievance?

2.  If it’s a grievance, which articles and subsections does it violate?

3.  If it’s a grievance, what kind of evidence do you need?  How are you going to get it: RFI, data base research, other?

4.  To the extent time allows, fill out a grievance form.


Contractual Rights Training 2014--Scenario #1

The following are typical fact situations that may be presented to grievance stewards by unit members.  For each, we will discuss the following in small groups, then as a whole:

1.  Is this a gripe or a grievance?

2.  If it’s a grievance, which articles and subsections does it violate?

3.  If it’s a grievance, what kind of evidence do you need?  How are you going to get it: RFI, data base research, other?

4.  To the extent time allows, fill out a grievance form.