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Unit 18 Bargaining Update #5 Jan 28, 2013



Now that the winter quarter and spring semester are underway, I thought I should write to all of you to let you know the status of our reopener bargaining. I realize that this is long overdue, but it is not because it has not been on the bargaining team’s mind. Rather, the University has made our lives extremely difficult by inaction, and we were hoping that by now something would have happened.  It has not. So, by way of an introduction, please accept my apologies for the lengthy delay in sending this and for the lengthy email you are about to read.

UC-AFT Librarians Ratify Side Letter Agreement on Merits and Pension Issues

On January 18, 2013, the Librarian members of the UC-AFT voted overwhelmingly to ratify a side letter agreement.

Making All Public Higher Education Free by Bob Samuels

The goal of this paper is to determine a rough estimate of how much it would cost to make all public undergrad higher education free in the U.S.

Being Present- A Critique of Online Education by Bob Samuels

One potentially positive result of the current fascination with online education is that universities and colleges may be forced to define and defend quality education. This analysis of what we value should help us to present to the public the importance of higher education in a high-tech world.

UC-AFT Pushes Regents for Transparent Accounting of UC Online

UC-AFT President, Bob Samuels, spoke to the UC Regents yesterday about the current low cost of providing undergraduate instruction and he raised the concern that online education will not be successful at lowering costs further.  Bob also asked the Regents to instead focus on the real cost drivers at the University like administrative bloat, sports programs and amenities before rushing to lower costs in the classroom. 

See an outline of Bob's comments to the Regents here.

Unthinking Technophilia

This article was originally published in Inside Higher Ed on January 14, 2013.

A Failure of Interaction: A Report from the UCLA Forum on High-Tech Higher Education

On January 8th, I participated in the forum on online education for California at UCLA. First a few ironies: the faculty presenters had to listen to four hours of non-interactive presentations before they could speak and ask questions. In other words, as the “providers” were lecturing us about how online technology allows for true interactive education to occur, they did not leave space for any interaction.

Unit 17 Bargaining Update #7 11-14-2012

Dear fellow librarians,