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Some Commentary on the Regents Fascination with UC Online

Here's a post from UC-AFT President Bob Samuels on his blog, Changing Universities, which focuses on the potentially destructive relationship between private investment in free online course offerings at elite private schools, and UC's rush to compete and monetize its online future.

The UC Regents, Governor Brown, and the Online Hail Mary

Librarian Bargaining Update #5 October 3, 2012

Librarian (Unit 17) Bargaining is full of many new and extremely important new developments.

Librarian Bargaining Update #4 September 7, 2012

Peter Chester, the previous Administration Chief Negotiator for Librarian bargaining, has been promoted to Director of Labor Relations at UC. He has now been replaced by Linda Ashcraft. She has about four years of experience bargaining at UC, but was previously active in HR work with Fortune 500 companies. We look forward to working with her.

Librarian Bargaining Update #3 June 12, 2012

The University and UC-AFT Negotiating Teams met at the Office of the President in Oakland on June 12, 2012. We worked primarily on a revision of Articles 4, 5, and 6, which deal with the review process for merit increases and promotions for Librarians. We are working to integrate the three articles, remove inconsistencies or contradictions, remove duplication, and improve the provision in terms of the protections it provides for librarians undergoing academic reviews.

Librarian Bargaining Update #6 October 19, 2012

The first order of business was a benefits briefing by UCOP covering the changes to benefits (individual contributions and co-pays) that will be announced in the Open Enrollment period to begin on 29 October 2012. For most health plans there will be small increases in individual contributions and an average $5 increase in the co-pay for office visits and prescriptions. There will be significant increases in the individual contribution for the regular Health Net plan (not Health Net Blue & Gold) and for UCSC employees. A website with details will open on 22 October 2012.

Why the Librarian Negotiating Committee Should Continue to Negotiate Over Retiree Benefits

As UC-AFT Berkeley librarian members representing both the first and second tier of the proposed retiree health plan, we believe it would be a mistake to agree to management’s divide and conquer strategy.  While some of us need the merit pay owed us, we feel trading away equity for new, younger, and future librarian colleagues in retirement healthcare and pension sends a very negative and defensive message to our members as well as our other UC colleagues.

Your Union and the Future of California--A Message from Bob Samuels

UC-AFT, in conjunction with our statewide affiliate, CFT, and our national organization, AFT, played a central role in developing and passing Proposition 30.  First we marched in support of the Millionaire’s Tax, and we helped to form a strong coalition among student groups, faculty, unions, and grassroots organization like ACCE and the Courage Campaign.  Then, working with the leaders of CFT, we pushed the governor’s original tax initiative in a mu

Why the Librarian Negotiating Committee Should Accept a Pension Deal Now

Submitted by Unit 17 Chief Negotiatior, Mike Rotkin

Labor negotiations are always a question of relative power and political context and require strategic judgment. Reasonable people can disagree about these issues. I intend to be governed by the views of the Librarian Bargaining Committee (two reps each campus) as informed by the survey you are about to complete, but here is what I think.

UC Librarians Search for Unabridged Merit Pay

This story originally ran on Oct. 17  in the Bottom Line, a student run paper at UCSB.

Jerry Brown Asks UC Students to Step Up to Pass Prop 30

F5n9cHkM.jpegSpeaking at UCLA today, Governor Jerry Brown urged students "not to be complacent" as he encouraged them to work to pass Prop 30 if they want to avoid a tuition hike. When asked by a reporter from a campus newspaper if the trigger cuts would go into effect if Prop 30 failed, Brown responded, "Yes, trigger cuts will go into effect, and they’re part of the budget and it’s automatic.”