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UC-AFT October 16 Events

UCLA-  Rally at Noon in Bruin Plaza with Governor Brown 

UCSB-  Rally at Noon at the Arbor, with Assemblymember Das Williams, CA Senate Candidate Hannah-Beth Jackson, UC-AFT President Bob Samuels, Nelson Lichtenstein, A.S. President Sophia Armen


Governor Brown to Speak at UCLA Rally on October 16

Yes on Prop 30 Rally with Governor  Bruin Plaza at Noon on Tuesday October 16.

UC-AFT's state-wide affilitate, the California Federation of Teachers, is one of the main sponsors of Proposition 30, the only ballot initiative that guarantees no cuts to education and that will stop tuition increases this year for CSU and UC.  

Proposition 30 Message from UC-AFT President Bob Samuels

Dear Member of UC-AFT,

Proposition 30, the Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act, is on the November 6 ballot. If it passes, it will raise $9 billion in the first year, and $6 billion a year for six years after that, for public education and other services. If Prop 30 does not pass, the University of California budget will be cut by $375 million, and this reduction will most likely cause layoffs, benefit reductions, salary freezes, and a tuition increase of over 20%.

Communicating with Students on Prop 30

As you likely are aware, the stakes in the November elections are particularly high for education in California, including for the UC system.  Proposition 30 will stabilize education budgets and ward off severe mid-year cuts and tuition increases, but it is currently polling with a very slim lead.

Prop 30 Materials and Resources

Prop 30 materials

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #4


Please accept my apologies for the lack of communication after our last bargaining session in August; there was little to report then of any significance, as the meeting produced little in the way of progress. In short, the University refused to discuss anything economic (salary and merit) until AFTER the November election. So, we basically took stock of the three other open articles: Layoff, Process for Initial Continuing Appointments, and Grievance.

Open Letter to UC Administration: We Earned Them--Release Our Merits Now

WeEarnedIt_b_Y.jpgI am a law librarian in the UC Berkeley School of Law.  Our UC librarians are conducting a postcard campaign to protest the unfair and counterproductive tactics employed by the University in current negotiations concerning the bargaining agreement that covers the 343 academic librar

Take a Stand- Yes on Prop 30