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Unit 18 Bargaining Update #3 8-1-12



I write with an update from our last two bargaining sessions (in late June at UCI and then again today in Oakland). I’m afraid that the news is once again rather boring. We continue to work with the non-economic articles that are open—that is, Layoff, Grievance, and the Process for initial Continuing Appointments (formerly Article 7B). While there is some progress in our discussions, there are no agreements.

July Legislative Update- Axel E. Borg V.P. for Legislation

Political Report                                                                     July 15, 2012

Currently the Legislature is in recess and will return in August. With the budget approved the Governor and the Legislature will be focusing on passage of Proposition 30, the Governor’s tax initiative.  There is also a lot of talk around the state capital about pension reform.

Survey Results on Contingent Faculty in Higher Education

The results of a 2010 survey of contingent faculty members and instructors in American higher education, published today by the Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW), have confirmed much of what has been reported anecdotally: part-time faculty members demonstrate a dedicated level of commitment to teaching and to the institutions that employ them, but this commitment is not reciprocated by those institutions through compensation or

UC Berkeley's libraries next chapter may be cuts

UC Berkeley ranks among the five best universities on the planet in part because an engineering researcher there has no trouble finding the gravity study he needs from the 1970s. An art historian doesn't have to be in Japan to lay his hands on a 128-year-old Kyoto guidebook. And a French scholar can examine a certain 16th century manuscript on European literary academies, no problem.

Yet the great university's libraries are in trouble.

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #2 6-1-12



Librarian (Unit 17) Bargaining Update #2

The Librarian Negotiating Team met with the University representatives at the Office of the President in Oakland on Friday, May 18, 2012. The discussions were cordial and productive, but because of the uncertainty of the State budget we have not really entered into concrete discussions of compensation issues including professional development funding. We are close to agreeing on ground rules. Usually those are the first topic of bargaining, but things seemed so cordial that nobody thought about ground rules until this session.

Local 2141 Elections 2012--Candidate Statements

Chris Dean, Lecturer, Writing Program

UC-AFT Executive Board Election Results

At the April 21 Council meeting in San Francisco, UC-AFT conducted elections for the systemwide executive board.  

The offices of the board include: President, Vice President of Grievances, Vice President of Legislation,Vice President of Organizing, and Secretary-Treasurer.  Of these, the office of Vice President of Grievances was contested.

All incumbents in the uncontested seats were re-elected unanimously.  Alan Karras was re-elected as Vice President of Grievances.

UC-AFT Executive Board 2012-2013

President- Bob Samuels