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Unit 18 Re-opener Bargaining 2012--Opening Proposals


UC-AFT's Unit 18 (lecturers and a few other non-Senate faculty titles) and UC have shared opening proposals for reopener bargaining of the Unit 18 MOU.  According to the MOU, each side is able to open two articles in addition to the Salary article.

UC-AFT opted to open Article 22-Merit Review Process, and Article 17-Layoff, Reduction in Time, and Reemeployment.  

UC opted to open Article 7b-Process for Initial Continuing Appointments, and Article 32-Grievance Procedure.

Copies of each side's opening proposals are available in PDF form below.

UC-AFT Systemwide Executive Board Elections April 21

Candidates for UC-AFT Statewide Office for 2012-2013 are hereby submitted to the University Council-AFT for election at the statewide council meeting on Saturday, 21 April 2012, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (Burlingame, CA).

Thousands March in Sacramento and Occupy Capitol Building in Support of Education Funding

AnQAilhCIAApOef.jpgUC-AFT union leaders and members are among thousands of education advocates from K-12, community colleges,  and the CSU and UC systems who are marching on the capitol today in support of funding for education in California. This page will have frequent updates throughout the day directly from Bob Samuels and other UC-AFT members.

Dues Increase Passes--A Message from Bob Samuels

Dear UC-AFT members, 

Last week, UC-AFT members voted overwhelmingly in favor of the executive board's proposal for a modest dues increase.  The final results of the dues vote are in, and all nine locals voted in favor of the increase with very good voter turnout.  The fact that the increase passed by fairly wide margins on almost all campuses is reassuring and energizing for the UC-AFT executive board.  

Call for Nominations for UC-AFT Systemwide Officers 2012-2013


To UC - AFT Members:
Please submit nominations for UC-AFTofficer candidates for the following positions to the 
Nominations Committee members listed below by 6  March 2012.

A TtB Grammar Exercise for ESL and Foreign Language Teachers

This quick grammar excercise using TtB information can be used or adapted by ESL and foreign langauge instructors without taking time away from your usual class routine.   (Click here for a downloadable .doc)