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Teach the Budget--A conversation our students deserve to have with us

UC-AFT is collaborating with the graduate student union, UAW 2865, on a four-week campaign to ‘Teach the Budget’ in our classes. 

March 1-5 Week of Action in Defense of Public Education and Social Services

Student groups and Occupy activists have called for a nationwide day of action in defense of education and social services on March 1, 2012.  Events are currently being  planned  in New York City, Boston, Seattle, and many cities throughout California. 

Some Helpful Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching the Budget

Here are some helpful tips on how to initiate the Teach the Budget (TtB) conversation, and to share some examples of ways that instructors are making connections to TtB in their courses.

Introducing TtB to Your Course

Teach the Budget in 5-10 minutes

Many instructors will have only 5-10 minutes to devote to this material, so we have created a few short versions of the curriculum that are designed to be presented in this time frame.  Each of the short versions includes a very brief introduction to locate the discussion within the larger curriculum, and a conclusion focused on what students can do with the information.

 Teach the Budget in 5-10 minutes

A Report from the Jan 19 Regents Meeting Protest at UCR

This first hand report is from UC-AFT field rep., John Bruning.  Check "This Week's News" on the left side menu for more media coverage of these events.  I think this was probably the most confrontational we've seen students in a long time, maybe even more than anything down here during the 09/10 year.  

CFT Asks Kim Kardashian to Pay a Little More to Restore California

themillionairestaxof2012_big.jpgA coalition of unions (CFT, UAW, and UC-AFT) and the Courage Campaign have put together a campaign to get California millionaires to pay their fair share of taxes to support higher education and other vital public programs. Check out our video that is going viral:

Teaching the Budget a Good Idea for Every UC Instructor

It is difficult, if not impossible, to separate instruction in particular disciplines or fields from the need to educate students broadly about the context for their learning experience. Students are often so preoccupied with the increasing difficulty of getting into required courses and other issues that result from State, UC, and campus decisions, that their ability to focus on actual course material may suffer.