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Teach the Budget Class Presenter Training Call Schedule

Teach the Budget Training Calls:

Open Letter Re: January 19th Regents Meeting at UCR

This letter was distributed by a coalition based at UC Riverside.

Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members,

We are writing to have our voices heard and call people to action to defend public education. Our futures are being mortgaged in order to maintain bloated administrative salaries and further privatize critical social services across this state, country, and around the world.

UCR Chancellor White Withdraws New Campus Protest Guidelines

After significant backlash to a draft of new protest guidelines posted on UCR's website early this month, Chancellor White has decided to throw out the new guidelines and start again.  Since December 6, over 900 people have signed a petition calling on UCR to withdraw the guidelines. Chancellor White sent out this message to the UCR campus today.

Jerry Brown's cuts to California schools less than feared

From the Sacramento Bee Capitol Alert December 13, 2011

Gov. Jerry Brown will slash higher education, child care and school bus service, but he will largely spare K-12 classrooms from mid-year cuts under a revised budget forecast released today.

How to Have a Successful Protest at UCR

UC Riverside recently released their new campus protest guidelines.  The document has a subtitle, or maybe it's a slogan:  Your Voice Matters.  Make an Impact.  How to have a successful protest at UCR.  The document ends with a similar statement:  Your voice matters.  Make it effective.  Follow guidelines for public safety and expression. 

The guidelines have been removed from the UCR site as of Dec. 14.  You can still read the guidelines here.

How to Contact the UC Regents by Email (Yeah right!)--by Charles Schwartz, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley

On the official web site of the Regents of the University of California it says,

“If you would like to email the Regents, please address your comments to Regents Office ( )”

Update from Regents Meeting Solidarity Actions at UCSC

Nov.%2028%20UCSC%20Gas%20Mask.jpgStarting at 5am this morning, students began organizing to shut down Hahn Student Services building, which they are now occupying.  This is the place where, among other things, they tell you how much money you owe.  Students chose this building to signify their rising student debt.

Hundreds also rallied in support at noon in the Quarry Plaza.  Their demands are:  

Update from Regents Meeting at UCSF Mission Bay

After the official public comment period ended, the group assembled at UC Merced began an alternate "People's Regents Meeting" using a human microphone.  After a few minutes, the feed from Merced was cutoff and the human mic picked up at UCSF.  For about twenty minutes, there were two meetings being conducted in the same room at UCSF.  The Regents attempted to continue with their business, while the People's Regents ran their own meeting through the human mic.  Eventually, the Regents moved to an adjacent room.