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Update from Regents Meeting at UCLA

384840_10101531407314281_2003324_83749294_1226409633_n_0.jpgAs of 1:30pm today, a group of students is in a meeting with UCLA Chancellor Block and a few members of the Board of Regents.  This meeting was agreed to after students and others shut down the Regents meeting following the public comment period.

November 28 Regents Meeting Action Schedule UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCSF Mission Bay

When: 8 am - 4 pm at all 4 Regents teleconference sites.regents_0.jpg

8:30 am – People’s Regents Meetings Begin Outside the Doors of the Teleconference

9 am – Public Comment Begins

10 am – Protest and delivery of 10,000 petition signatures to open the Regents to the 99%.


Refund California activists call for making banks pay and opening the Regents to the 99% at four separate Regents’ teleconference locations – Davis, Merced, San Francisco-Mission Bay, and Los Angeles

UC-AFT Endorses Nov. 28th General Strike at Davis and Solidarity Actions Across the State

The UC-AFT Executive Board voted this morning to endorse the the November 28th General Strike at UC Davis.  We have posted a guide on strike participation to help our members understand their rights to participate in sympathy strikes with respect to our union contracts.  Please review this guide.   

UC Davis General Assembly Votes for General Strike on November 28

The 95.5% of the general assembly at the UC Davis rally voted today to hold a general strike at Davis on Monday November 15.  Over 1500 people voted.

This petition calling for Chancellor Katehi's resignation already has 70, 000 signatures:

November 21 Day of Action at UC Davis, UCLA and UCR--REAL TIME UPDATES

378894_10150470941303086_687588085_10489UCD  General Assembly Beginning at Noon-- Reports of 4000 people already in the quad.  There has been discussion of two possible organizing goals:  

UC Davis English Department Calls for Katehi Resignation and Dissolution of UCPD 11/21

The UC Davis English Department has just issued a statement calling for UCD Chancellor Katehi's resignation and the dissolution of UCPD!

"The faculty of the UC Davis English Department supports the Board of the Davis Faculty Association in calling for Chancellor Katehi's immediate resignation and for "a policy that will end the practice of forcibly removing non-violent student, faculty, staff, and community protesters by police on the UC Davis campus.