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UC Davis Protest Gathers Strength After Katehi Walk in Silence

UC Davis Police Arrest 10 in Crackdown, Chancellor's Issues a Statement

18BCBERKELEY-articleLarge.jpgEducation Shouldn't Be A Debt Sentence--Here's a N.Y. Times Article covering the crackdown on Occupy Cal that took place very early on Thursday morning.

Occupy UCLA--Early Morning Raid in Angela Davis Plaza, Police Pepper Spray Occupy Participants at UC Davis

UCD%20Nov.%2018%202011.jpgOccupy UCLA set up its tents yesterday and the General Assembly proceeded to rename Wilson Plaza to Angela Davis Plaza.  The encampment held strong throughout the night, but an 5:30am raid by UC police shut it down for the time being.  14 students were arrested on charges of unlawful assembly and refusal to disperse.  All fourteen have been released from custody.

UC Regents Meeting Rescheduled with for November 28

After being postponed because of what officials said were threats of violence and vandalism, this month’s University of California regents meeting will be held Nov. 28 from multiple locations linked by teleconference, the university announced Friday.

Refund Ca and Occupy Protests Grow after Crackdowns & Police Violence-- New Occupy UCLA Setting up Today

CSU%20Trustees%2011%3A16%3A11%20Sandy%20One week after Cal police violently smashed through a chain of students with their batons, and one day after a coordinated nationwide crack down on Occupy encampments,RefundCalifornia and Occupyprotestersregrouped in the streets of Long Beach and San Francisco.

UC-AFT Participates in Solidarity Actions with UCB Strike

Nov%2015%20Bob_2.jpgUCI Librarian Mitchell Brown speaking to the crowd during the solidarity rally at UCI on November 15th.  Here's an excerpt from UCI's campus paper New University.