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Actions Planned for Wednesday November 16 Proceed Despite Postponement of Regents Meeting

Despite the Regents' cancellation of their meeting, plans by the statewide Refund CA coalition for a rally and march in San Francisco Wednesday are still on, with some changes in times, locations, and bus schedules.  There will also be activities at the CSU Trustees' meeting in Long Beach.  These events will make the connections between the mortgate debt crisis and the student debt crisis, between the foreclosures on homes and the foreclosures on public education.  See below for a statement by the Public Action Coalition explaining Wednesday

Update on strike endorsements and schedule for the 15th at UCB

From Reclaim UC blog

The following groups have endorsed the November 15th higher education strike: 

UC Berkeley Faculty Association
UCSF Faculty Association
UC Davis Faculty Association
UC San Diego Faculty Association
The UC Council of Faculty Associations

General Strike Advice for UC-AFT Represented Employees

This information is to help you understand your rights regarding strikes and other job actions, with respect to the no-strikes clauses in our contracts.  

UC-AFT sometimes endorses strikes that have been called by other unions, or general strikes called by student groups and coalitions.   

Here's what you can do: 

Refund California- November 9th Day of Action Photos and Video

Photos from rallies at UCI, UCR and Santa Cruz where up to 500 protestors gathered on campus prior to marching in downtown S.C.  Close to 1000 people gathered in downtown Santa Cruz.  Several hundred participated at UCI.  



Refund California- November 9th Day of Action Media Coverage

Throughout California today, a broad coalition of community groups, students and labor unions organized under the name Refund California, are holding protests, rallies and marches to the theme "Make the Banks Pay".  Here is a quick compilation of media coverage of these events.

Berkeley Police Get Violent with Students

Occupy: In their Own Voices

Welcome to “Occupy – In Their Own Words”


UC-AFT Resolution Opposing Substitution of Range Adjustments for Merit Based Increases

October 31, 2011

printable pdf version

 Whereas, the University Council of the American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT)  is a union representing lecturers and librarians at the University of California and including members of the Academic Senate and other academics at UC; and

Officer Reports

2012 Officer Reports

Quarter Ending March 2012

Axel E. Borg, V.P. for Legislation

Mike Rotkin, V.P. for Organizing

Quarter Ending June 2012

Axel E. Borg, V.P. for Legislation

Lecturers Ratify New Agreement with UC

In an online vote last week, 98% of UC-AFT's voting members ratified a new agreement with the University of California.  
Improvements to the Unit 18 MOU include: 
  • 3% merit increase effective October 1, 2011, with re-opener negotiations on salary next year
  • The right to negotiate over future changes to benefits
  • The right to negotiate over the implementation of online courses