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October 7th Videos


UC Davis March

UCSB March to the Student Resources Building


New Majority Faculty Day

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List of Statewide October 7th Events


Click here to go to the main October 7th page


11:45- Meet at Arbor

Noon- March to Student Resource Building for Speakers and Rally

12:30-  Information tables, food, open mic, music

1pm-  Balloon Walk


October 7th Lesson Plan

The grad student organizing committee at UCSC created this lesson plan to educate their students on the effect of privatization on students and faculty at UC.  This is easily adaptable for other UC campuses.  UC-AFT is asking all lecturers to use this lesson plan, or share points from it, with your classes during the week beginning on October 4th.  

If you have difficulty copying and pasting from this website, please click here to have a word version e-mailed to you.  Enter "Lesson Plan" in the subject line of the e-mail.

UC-AFT President Issues Call to Action on Pension Changes

Pensions, Lies, and Videotape:  An Employee's Guide to UC's Propaganda

Regent's Vote to Increase Pension Contributions

In a unanimous vote on Thursday, the UC Regents increased pension contributions for all pension eligible employees to 3.5% in July 2011 and 5% in 2012.   UC employees are currently paying 2% into UCRP.  Union represented staff will negotiate with UC over changes to pension contributions.  UC-AFT member's pension contribution is tied to the senate faculty contribution, so our members will begin paying the new rate as soon as it is implemented for faculty.

A Call to Action for November Elections

As we return from the summer and begin the next academic year we face a challenging future at the University of California. One way that we can influence the direction of the University is through political action. Your union, UCAFT, is working with our sister unions in the University;  AFSCME, UPTE, UAW and CNA, as well as our state-level affiliate, the California Federation of Teachers, to make sure our voice is heard and our stake in our future is understood. 

CFT Announces Recommendations for November 2010 Elections

The California Federation of Teachers, UC-AFT's statewide affiliate, has released recommendations for candidates and ballot measures for the November 2010 elections.   To see CFT's full list of recommendations click the link below.   

CFT November 2010 Election Recommendations


Alternative Commission Survey Report--A Future for All

The Alternative Commission on the Future of UC surveyed over 1000 UC students, faculty, staff, and alumni to gauge the level of support for the official Commission on the Future's proposals.  The results of the survey are  detailed in a report entitled, A Future for All.  

Click here to download the report.

For more information on the Commission on the Future of UC, click here.

Alternative Commission Survey Comments Q. 5

Question 5: In your own words please tell us what you think of your

experiences at the University of California and how well do you think

it is managed. How well do you think administration (UC Regents as