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Unit 18 Bargaining Meeting Schedule


Berkeley-  Wednesday November 3, Noon  in Dwinelle 4b and 5:30pm in 303 Doe Library

San Diego- Wednesday  November 10, 3-5pm,  Thich Nhat Hahn Room Old Student Center in Mandeville Center

Riverside-  Monday November 15, noon-2pm at the Substation Annex

Irvine- Wednesday  November 17, lunch meeting (exact time TBD)

Los Angeles- Monday  November 29,  noon and 4 pm, Powell Library Classroom 228

UC-AFT Insider October 2010

University Council-AFT Insider
October 1, 2010

In this issue:

Key Facts about Possible Pension Changes- By Bob Samuels

The following report is meant to clarify how the proposed changes to our pension system will affect current and future lecturers and librarians.  I also discuss some of the actions UC-AFT and other groups are taking to protect our shared pension system (UCRP).  Most urgently, UC-AFT is working to delay the Regent's decision on pension reform until complete analysis has been conducted and all UC employees are informed of possible changes.  Please read on.

Comprehensive List of Pension Resources

On October 11, UCSB Professor Chris Newfield added a new post on UC pension reform to his blog, Remaking the University. The post includes the following compilation of recent pension analyses by unions and faculty groups from across the UC system.

Key Facts on Pension Changes

Key Facts about Possible Pension Changes

Joint Principles Regarding Pension Changes

Several unions (AFT, AFSCME, UPTE, CNA) in consultation with CUCFA and members of the senate faculty welfare committees have composed the following joint set of principles regarding possible changes to the pension plan:

1. We need to move to a full funding of the normal cost of UCRP.  The suggested new tiers do not address this issue.

2. There has to be a credible plan for total remuneration approved by the regents.

3. We must begin paying down the UCRP liability now.  This can be done in part from borrowing from STIP or Pension Obligation Bonds.