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Sign the Open Letter in Support of Wisconsin's Public Workers

* This page is from Stephanie Taylor of

April 4th 'We are One' List of Events at UC and Statewide

cid_image001.jpgApril 4th ‘We Are One’ - Nationwide Day of Action and Solidarity -  List of Events at UC and Statewide

Respect Our Rights!

On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, where he had gone to stand with sanitation workers demanding their dream: The right to bargain collectively for a voice at work and a better life. The workers were trying to form a union with AFSCME.

UC-AFT's Proposal for the University of California Budget


Since Governor Brown has asked for input on how to reduce the costs of administration, several unions have developed a plan. Our idea is that the state should offer to reduce the amount of the $500 million dollar cut by $250 million if the UC uses the following method to reduce its administrative cost:

SB 114 Thank You-Sample Letter

Dear Senator Yee,

As a part-time faculty member I wanted to thank you for agreeing to carry Senate Bill 114 into this year's legislative session. While this bill is not meant to change the compensation of adjunct faculty it does allow a clear tranparent way for them to compare themselves to other academic faculty.

Budget Cuts Loom-Which Way to the May Revise?

Current estimates of the state budget gap for 2011-12 are pegged at 25.4 million dollars. On January 10th Governor Brown proposed a budget that aims to close this gap by cutting spending 47% and increasing revenue by 46%. 

At the beginning of March 2011, Governor Brown hopes to have approval for his budget by the Assembly and the Senate. He needs to get legislators onboard so that part of his budget plan, the part that calls for voter approved tax extensions, can go before the voters in June.

UC-AFT Insider January 2011

University Council-AFT Insider
January 3, 2011

In this issue:

A Counter-Conference: Strategies for Defending Higher Education

This counter-conference will take place during the annual Modern Language Convention in Los Angeles, January 8th, 2011 from 1-5 at Loyola Law School (919 Albany St).

Regents' Meeting Protest--Students and Workers Demand Stop to Fee Increases and Benefits Cuts

Several hundred  UC students and workers gathered at the Regent's meeting in San Francisco today to protest a proposed fee increase and cuts to retirement benefits.  Protesters and UC Police clashed when the crowd rushed barricades and the police responded with pepper spray and batons.  At one point, a UC Police officer felt threatened enough to pull his gun and aim it at protesters.  

UC online pilot project moves forward

By Susan Sward--This post was originally published on the UCOP Website.

UC-AFT Insider November 2010

University Council-AFT Insider
November 1, 2010

In this issue: