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6.9.2024 Updates

UC-AFT Actions and Events

Visit for a quick and convenient list of links to current UC-AFT actions and events.

Take Action: Pay UC Lecturers More Than Graduate Students Instructors

Since mid-April, UC-AFT members and allies have been sending emails to UC administrators demanding that they take action to ensure that no lecturer be paid less than their TA, nor than a GSI teaching the same class. The pay gap and inversion between some lecturers and graduate student instructors has been widening, and the UC can and must pay its teaching faculty fairly. If you haven't done so already, please take just one minute to do this action so we can keep the pressure on!

Press Release: UC-AFT Leaders in DC Attend Committee on Education & Workforce Hearing

Media contacts:
UC-AFT President Katie Rodger (408-623-2601)
UC-AFT Executive Director Bill Quirk (805-689-0645)
UC-AFT Communications Chair Caroline Luce (860-778-8580)

What’s Happening:
Education and Workforce Committee Hearing 10:15 am EST
Press Conference Tomorrow at 12:15 pm EST
live-streamed here:

UCLA Chapter of UC-AFT Local 1474 Condemns Arrests of Contingent Faculty and Librarians for Protecting Students

In the early morning hours of May 2nd, when law enforcement stormed our UCLA campus, they arrested six members of UC-AFT Local 1474 who were joining in peaceful solidarity with UCLA students. The detained UC-AFT members are all contingent and temporary workers without the protections of tenure who risked their bodies and their livelihoods to protest non-violently according to their conscience and consistent with their academic expertise.

CFT and UC-AFT Statement on Failure of UCLA to Protect Free Speech

CFT Leaders Call on UCLA Chancellor Gene Block to Resign Following Violence on Campus

Urgent: May 1 Deadline to Request Reappointment (Please Read)

If you are newly hired and teaching in Spring Quarter 2024 on a one-year contract, you MUST submit a request for reappointment no later than May 1, 2024. 
You can use
this convenient form to make the reappointment request.

Additional deadlines for lecturers with multi-year appointments and those teaching Winter or Spring only can be found here. 

In December 2021, UC-AFT lecturers (also known as Unit 18 faculty) won the right to be considered for reappointment before external applicants. The right to be rehired before external candidates are considered is contingent upon you making the request to be rehired and submitting specific information. Please read on for more information.