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Mia McIver Testimony at Select Committee Hearing on Master Plan for Higher Education

May 4th, 2018

Chair Berman and Members of the Committee:

Thank you for the opportunity to address you. I received my Ph.D. from UC Irvine, meaning the
State of California invested in me as a scholar and a teacher. It is an honor to repay that trust and
help guide California’s public higher education forward into the future.

UC-AFT Insider May 2018

University Council-AFT Insider
May 1, 2018

In this issue:

AFSCME 3299 Strike May 7-9--UC-AFT Member Rights and Responsibilities

Dear UC-AFT Members,

For over a year, our UC patient care and service worker colleagues have bargained in good faith to address the widening income, racial, and gender disparities created by UC's outsourcing and other unfair employment practices.  These disturbing inequities are documented in the attached research report, "Pioneering Inequality."

UC-AFT Insider March 2018

University Council-AFT Insider
March 13, 2018

In this issue:

By: Mia L. McIver, President, UC-AFT

On February 26th, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Janus v. AFSCME. The case, brought by an Illinois state employee who objects to paying for services he receives from his labor union, will likely result in defeat for working-class and middle-class Americans. At stake is not only the ability of public sector employees to fully exercise our collective bargaining rights, but also the quality of public higher education systems across the nation, and therefore the future of our democracy.

Plaintiff Mark Janus says he doesn’t want to support the costs of his union’s bargaining and representation. He would rather benefit from his union’s work without paying the fair share fees that enable it. 

Nominees and Candidate Statements for Statewide Officer Elections 2018-19

The following members have been nominated for statewide positions:

Mia McIver, UCLA (incumbent)

Sisters and Brothers,

This time last year, our union didn’t have a plan for entering a post-Janus era. This time last year, our union wasn’t actively seeking out coalition partners. This time last year, our union’s political will had flagged.

UC-AFT Insider February 2018

University Council-AFT Insider
February 7, 2018

In this issue:

UC-AFT Statement Denouncing Police Violence Against Union Members

On Feb. 1 at UC Berkeley, UC police assaulted AFSCME 3299 worker David Cole as he was peacefully demonstrating against racism and in favor of fair and just working conditions.  As UC-AFT faculty and librarians, some of whom were marching with Mr.


Dear Governor Brown,

The purpose of this message is to communicate the priorities and expectations of the Reclaim CA Higher Education coalition for the California State budget. We are stakeholders committed to the reaffirmation of California’s Master Plan for Higher Education. We are the over 2 million students, staff, faculty, and community groups of California Community Colleges, California State University, and the University of California.

UC-AFT Insider January 2018

University Council-AFT Insider
January 11, 2018

In this issue:

·California Teacher Features UC-AFT Member Organizers

·Candidates for Lt. Governor to Address Council Meeting in Berkeley Jan 13

·Know Your Rights: Paid Leave for Jury Duty with Substitute

·In Case You Missed It: Oct 31 Op-ed by Karl Lisovsky