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AFSCME and UPTE Strike October 23-25--UC-AFT Rights and Responsibilities

Dear UC-AFT Members,

UC-AFT Insider September 2018

University Council-AFT Insider
September 14, 2018

In this issue:

  • Librarian Bargaining Heats Up with Contract Expiration Looming
  • Some Progress in Lecturer Negotiations Over Janus Effects and NEO’s
  • Save the Date: Lecturer New Employee Orientations
  • AFT Class Action Suit Against Navient…You May Be Eligible!

UC-AFT Insider August 2018

University Council-AFT Insider
August 8, 2018

In this issue:

UC-AFT Statement on Trump Appointment of Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court

We are deeply disturbed, but not surprised, that President Trump has nominated Brett Kavanaugh to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.  Kavanaugh’s record of opinions and dissents indicates that he will use the judicial branch’s highest body to promote a radical agenda that threatens our health, our reproductive freedoms, our clean air and water, our ability to mitigate climate change, our rights as workers, and our ability to hold the President accountable.  Too many outstanding questions remain about Kavanaugh’s role in the George W.

Agency Fee Reimbursement Q&A--The Benefits of UC-AFT Membership

On June 27, 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that agency fees paid by non-members to public sector unions to cover the critical and considerable cost of union representation, contract negotiations and enforcement are a form of compelled speech or a forced subsidy of speech that violates the First Amendment. The decision went into effect immediately upon ruling.

Dear UC-AFT Faculty and Librarians,

Today the Supreme Court accepted an invitation from a group of billionaires to dismantle the public sector in the United States by defunding public employee unions like ours.  In their decision in Janus v. AFSCME, the majority overturned the law that has governed union dues for public servants for more than 40 years.

UC-AFT Demands End to UC Contract with General Dynamics Over GD Role in Child Separation

Dear President Napolitano,

As contingent faculty and librarians represented by UC-AFT, we work with undocumented students at the University of California on a daily basis. Your initiative to support the UC’s undocumented students and your lawsuit against the Trump administration’s rescission of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) have been powerful advocacy for some of our most vulnerable community members.

UC-AFT Works with Jose Medina to Secure Full Funding For UC

Medina PC_2018.5.16 (2).jpgThe following is the text of UC Davis Lecturer and UC-AFT member, John Rundin's, comments during a press conference held by Assemblymember Jose Medina to pressure Governor Brown to fully fund UC and CSU.

May 4th, 2018

Chair Berman and Members of the Committee:

Thank you for the opportunity to address you. I received my Ph.D. from UC Irvine, meaning the
State of California invested in me as a scholar and a teacher. It is an honor to repay that trust and
help guide California’s public higher education forward into the future.