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UC-AFT Insider December 2017

University Council-AFT Insider
December 10, 2017

In this issue:

·CFT Wildfire Disaster Relief Fund

·New Employee Orientation Agreements: First Ever Lecturer (Unit 18) Specific Orientations

·Action Alert: UC-AFT Resolution in Opposition to GOP Tax Bills

·No Accountability for UC’s Top Brass--Napolitano Audit Scandal

·Update from Churning Meeting at UCLA


UC-AFT Resolution in Opposition to the GOP Tax Bill and in Support of November 29 Day of Action

The University Council- American Federation of Teachers stands in solidarity with graduate students, faculty and allies in higher education who will participate in a nationwide day of action on November 29, 2017 in opposition to the GOP tax bill.

Whereas the plan slashes taxes for corporations and the wealthy, while increasing taxes on middle and low income Americans, with working families earning less than $30,000 bearing the steepest increase in taxes;

UC-AFT Insider November 2017

University Council-AFT Insider
November 9, 2017

In this issue:

·UC-AFT…by the Numbers

·Part-Time Faculty Health Benefits Eligibility Guide

·Labor Lexicon: Post-6 Avoidance or Churning

·Collective Bargaining in Higher Education Regional Conference Long Beach

UC-AFT Insider October 2017

University Council-AFT Insider
October 9, 2017

In this issue:

·New Employee Orientations Bargaining Update #2

·Resolution In Support of Racial Justice

·UC-AFT Gets Organized—A Statewide Overview

·Supreme Court Grants Petition on Janus v. AFSCME

·CFT Straw Poll for California Governor Endorsement

Organizing Update from Roxi Power, V.P. for Organizing

UC-AFT local unions have just kick-started an intensive organizing drive in preparation for the predicted loss of Fair Share next year, after which public sector unions are expected to suffer significant declines in membership and revenue.

UC-AFT Resolution for Racial Justice

Whereas UC-AFT is a staunch opponent of racism, both on moral grounds and because it weakens every fight for our members’ working conditions and our students’ learning conditions,

And whereas the election of Donald Trump has emboldened racists and neo-Nazis in the country,

And whereas the murder of Heather Heyer by a white supremacist in Charlottesville has drawn back the curtain on the true nature of the white supremacist movement in the United States,

And whereas a significant number of people have been murdered by white supremacists since Donald Trump’s election,

UC-AFT Insider September 2017

University Council-AFT Insider
September 14, 2017

In this issue:

·AB 119 Bargaining Update: Meaningful Improvements to New Employee Orientations

·Successful Effects Bargaining Over Library Reorganization at UCR

·UC-AFT Statement Opposing DACA Cancellation

·Mia McIver’s Public Comment at the September 13 Regents Meeting

·Pubs and Pieces--Our Work, In Brief: Sasha Abramsky’s Jumping at Shadows

President Mia McIver's Public Comment at Regents Meeting Sept 13 2017

Good morning, Regents. My name is Mia McIver. I’m a lecturer faculty member at UCLA and president of UC-AFT, representing more than 5000 contingent faculty and librarians across the state.

President Napolitano, thank you for your leadership in defending DACA. We need to go even further and fight for permanent deportation relief and pay equity for all our undocumented students and co-workers.

Pubs and Pieces--Our Work, In Brief

Sasha Abramsky--Jumping at Shadows: The Triumph of Fear and the End of the American Dream   Amazon Link

UC-AFT Statement Opposing DACA Cancellation

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Today’s announcement that President Trump has rescinded DACA is an act of cruelty that breaks our nation’s core promises and undermines our society’s basic values.