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We reached a final agreement in negotiations over new employee orientations for Lecturers on Wednesday, December 6 at UCLA. Agreement was reached for libraians on November 13 at Berkeley. We have persuaded the administration to hold Unit 18-specific orientations each quarter of the academic year (every fall, winter, spring). These new orientations will begin during spring quarter/semester 2018 on every campus.  Individual orientations for librarians will begin immediately. 

A few key points:

  • New lecturers (and other Unit 18 members) will be advised of the time and place of the orientations through a link in their appointment letters.
  • Our union will have a 30 minute presentation in addition to whatever content the campus administration presents.

Teachers, Counselors and Librarians at the Preuss School at UCSD have ratified their first contract as members of UC-AFT!  The new contract includes significant salary increases for most members of the bargaining unit, a new step based salary scale, a longevity stipend for people at the top of the scale, security of employment after five years, class size caps at 35 and a new grievance and arbitration procedure. The number of instructional days, school day hours and professional development hours are unchanged. 

UC-AFT Insider August 2017

University Council-AFT Insider
August 10, 2017

In this issue:

·Salary Increase Arrives in August 1 Paychecks

·Dirks Smirks—434,000 Reasons to Smile

·AB 119: Bargaining Update and Survey

·ARL Diversity Scholar Award: Leyla Cabugos, UC Davis

·Know Your Rights: Unemployment Appeal Victory at UCSC!

Davis Librarian, Leyla Cabugos, Recipient of ARL Diversity Scholar Award

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) recently announced the 2017-19 ARL Diversity Scholars. Leyla Cabugos, the Diversity Fellow/ Librarian Subject Specialist for Plant Sciences, Plant Biology, and Plant Pathology at Shields Library, a member of UC-AFT and an MLIS student at San Jose State University is one of 18 master of library and information science (MLIS) students to participate in the 2017–2019 Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce (IRDW)* as ARL Diversity Scholars.

UC-AFT Insider July 2017

University Council-AFT Insider        
July 9, 2017

In this issue:

Librarian Meeting Agenda--July 15 Burbank

Librarian Bargaining Preparation
Understanding the Strength and Value of Our Contract

July 15, 2017

California Federation of Teachers 
2550 North Hollywood Way, Suite 400
Burbank CA 91505

Gather 9:30 - Coffee and pastries

10-11- Union Basics and UC-AFT Issues, with Miki Goral

11-12  Introduction to the Unit 17 MOU--Connecting Our Issues to the Contract, with Adam Siegel

12-12:30 lunch

12:30-1:30 How the Grievance Process Can Improve our Contract, with Axel Borg

We are pleased to announce that our Union has stopped UCOP's plan to strip retirement benefits from Summer Session salaries!

We have reached a negotiated agreement with the UC administration about Summer Session retirement benefits for those who teach at Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara. Those campuses have agreed to continue contributing 3.5% of Summer Session salary to the Defined Contribution Retirement accounts of Lecturers who have full benefits and teach Summer Session.

UC-AFT Insider May 2017

University Council-AFT Insider
May 3, 2017

In this issue:

UC-AFT Statewide Officer Election Results 2017

Our annual statewide executive board officer elections were conducted at the April 8 Council meeting in Oakland. The new board will begin their one-year terms on June 15. Congratulations to our new and continuing executive board members:

President- Mia McIver, Lecturer, UCLA (Former V.P. for Organizing)
Vice President for Legislation- Axel Borg, Librarian, UCD
Vice President for Organizing- Roxi Power, Lecturer, UCSC (New officer)
Vice President for Grievances- Ben Harder, Lecturer, UCR
Secretary Treasurer- Miki Goral, Librarian, UCLA

UC-AFT Insider April 2017

University Council-AFT Insider            
April 11, 2017

In this issue: