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Candidate Questionnaire and Responses-- UC-AFT President

Local 2141 at UCSB submitted a questionnaire to both candidates for the office of UC-AFT President, Bob Samuels and Mia McIver.  Bob and Mia's responses can be downloaded as pdf's from the links below.  ​Elections will take place at the UC-AFT Council meeting in Oakland on April 8, 2017.

Bob Samuels (incumbent)  questionnaire responses

UC-AFT Statement Opposing Neil Gorsuch Confirmation

UC-AFT Statement Opposing Neil Gorsuch Confirmation as Supreme Court Justice
April 3, 2017

UC-AFT Wins Organizing Awards at CFT Convention

UC-AFT won two awards at the 2017 CFT Convention for our organizing work during 2016.  We won First Honor for the local with the largest membership growth in 2016! The plaque shows a member increase 259, but this is a net increase.  Around 700 lecturers and librarians chose to join UC-AFT in 2016! This is a great accomplishment and it reflects a real commitment by our leaders and activists to reach out to our new colleagues and invite them to learn more about and get involved with our union.

UC-AFT Insider March 2017

University Council-AFT Insider            

March 8, 2017

In this issue:

·         Resolution in Defense of Science and in Support of April 22 March for Science

·         Statewide Officer Elections April 8 Oakland

·         Lecturer Inclusion Symposium at UC Merced

·         Dissertation Survey: Non- Senate Faculty of Color at Predominantly White Research Institutions

As the union of non-senate faculty and librarians at the University of California, our membership includes scientists from across the disciplines who conduct original research and contribute to peer reviewed publications, teach science at graduate and undergraduate levels, and manage collections and support faculty research for some of the premier science departments and programs in the world.

UC-AFT Statewide Officer Elections 2017-18 Candidate Statements

UC-AFT conducts annual elections for seats on the statewide Executive Board. The election will take place at the UC-AFT Council meeting on April 8, 2017 in Oakland. Per the UC-AFT bylaws, each campus local receives one vote plus one vote for each 50 union members.  Delegates to the Council from each local will determine how to cast their local's votes in accordance with local process.


UC-AFT Insider February 2017

University Council-AFT Insider           
February 1, 2017

In this issue:

Dues Cap Increase--Local by Local Vote Results

Dues Cap Increase Yes Vote %

Santa Cruz- 77.78%
Riverside- 72.15%
Berkeley- 71%
Merced- 70.69%
LA- 64.64%
SD- 67.74%
Irvine- 67.9%
SB- 69.74%

Over 900 votes were cast statewide.  

UC-AFT Opposes and rejects all Federal executive orders by the Trump administration that target Muslims, green card holders, visa holders, immigrants who came to the US as children (dreamers), and undocumented workers. 

We condemn these racist, religiously bigoted, illegal actions by the Executive Branch of the United States, and pledge to continue to work with other Faculty, Administrators, and our sister Unions of the University of California to ensure that the University work to protect the rights of all employees, students, alumni, and families of the UC who are targeted by this unlawful administration.