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Membership Vote: UC-AFT Retiree Chapter

At the UC-AFT Council meeting on Sunday Jan. 29, the Council approved a proposed constituted amendment to allow for the formation of a UC-AFT retiree chapter.  We hope that the establishment of a retiree chapter will facilitate continued involvement of our retirees in the objectives of our union and the labor movement. 

UC-AFT Resolution on Trump Administration Immigration Actions

UC-AFT Opposes and rejects all Federal executive orders by the Trump administration that target Muslims, green card holders, visa holders, immigrants who came to the US as children (dreamers), and undocumented workers. 

UC-AFT Insider January 2017

University Council-AFT Insider           
January 12, 2017

In this issue:

Raising the Cap: A More Progressive Dues Structure

Dear UC-AFT members, 

At our meeting on October 29, the UC-AFT Council unanimously passed a motion to raise the cap on union dues from $85 to $100 per month. A change in the dues structure is a change to the UC-AFT Constitution, which requires a vote of the membership and majority support from 2/3 of the campus locals. An increase in the dues cap is necessary for several reasons, which we outline below, along with a detailed description of the voting timeline and process.   

J20 Walk Out: Your Rights and Responsibilities

A mass walkout is being organized at UC (and many other locations) for January 20.  It is possible that some campuses will be heavily impacted by the walkout.  We offer some guidance here on your rights and responsibilites under the UC-AFT contracts for participation in the walkout and related activites during the week and day of the inauguration.

UC-AFT Insider December 2016

University Council-AFT Insider                    
December 13, 2016

In this issue:

Responding to Trump: Letter from Davis UWP Faculty to Interim Chancellor Hexter

Dear Interim Chancellor Hexter,

In the wake of the election, several of us in the University Writing Program have been strategizing our response, and the response we hope the university will adopt.

These are our thoughts:

On November 10th, UC-AFT 1474 at Berkeley demonstrated an act of solidarity with the Standing Rock Water Protectors by participating in the "Union Workers Block the Dirty Money Pipeline" action in Oakland. UC Berkeley lecturers and librarians rallied with over 300 labor activists, representing dozens of Bay Area unions and community organizations, to call on Wells Fargo to withdraw their financial support for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

UC-AFT Insider November 2016

University Council-AFT Insider                    
November 7, 2016

In this issue:

Unit 17 Contract Ratification Details

Now that we have reached a tentative agreement (TA) with UC regarding our salary and professional development, we need to vote to ratify the TA.  Please review the tentative agreements (linked here) for Article 3 Professional Activities and Development and Article 13 Salary.

If the TA is ratified: