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Equivalency Credit-- A Guide to Getting Paid for All of Your Work

What the Contract Says

Point Recommendations: An Essential Part of Librarian Peer Review

The recent librarian negotiations between UC-AFT and the university that resulted in the new point salary scale replacing the step salary scale included discussion about the rationale for moving to a more flexible scale, and assurance that the actual peer review process would not be affected by the change in the salary scale.

UC-AFT Member Spotlight: Mike Rotkin-Teacher, Activist, Santa Cruz Pol, UC-AFT Leader

Union folks have a saying, “You are the U in Union” or something like that…Well, Mike Rotkin is just about every letter in UC-AFT.  Mike was involved in the original organizing effort for a senate faculty union in the late 70’s. He was around when UC-AFT negotiated it’s first contract for non-senate faculty, and in the decades since, Mike has been president, VP of organizing, legislation and grievances, local president and steward, and chief negotiator for six Unit 18 contracts and two Unit 17 contracts. Mike is a walking archive of UC-AFT knowledge, trivia and lore.

Two full days of member outreach on four campuses (UCLA, UCB, UCD, and UCSD) resulted in over four hundred quality, in-person conversations with UC-AFT represented lecturers.  150 lecturers chose to sign a membership form and become UC-AFT members!

UC-AFT Member Spotlight: Andrew Tonkovich- Teacher, Activist and Ambassador of the Literary Arts

Andrew Tonkovich is a man about the town when it comes to reading, writing, teaching, talking and blogging about books and writing in the L.A. area. Mr.

UC-AFT- April Member Outreach Extravaganza!

Dear UC-AFT colleagues, 

During the month of April, UC-AFT will be gathering members and staff from around the state for a two-day member outreach event on each of the following campuses:

UCLA and UC Berkeley- April 15-16      UC Davis and UC San Diego- April 22-23     These four events are the kickoff of UC-AFT's systemwide You See (UC) Democracy? organizing effort.   

Please see the message linked below from our sisters and brothers in the Graduate Instructors Union (UAW). It provides useful information for you and your students about the  strike planned next week for Wednesday, April 2 (UCB and UCSC) and Thursday, April 3 on all campuses. We remind you that while you may not withhold your labor in sympathy with the UAW and its members, you may find creative and active ways to express your support for our colleagues in the UAW and we strongly encourage you to do so.  

Congressional Report on Contingent Faculty- UC-AFT Continues to Advance the Front on Faculty Equity

The Congressional Committee on Education & the Workforce just released a report entitled, Just-In-Time Professor, which focuses on the low pay, piece meal work, and poor access to benefits characterizing the majority of faculty jobs in American higher education. Bob Samuels’ recent blog about the report suggests a national solution for the problems of contingency in the academy.

UAW Strike Set for April 2 and 3

Please see the message linked below from our sisters and brothers in the Graduate Instructors Union (UAW). It provides useful information for you and your students about the strike planned next week for Wednesday, April 2 (UCSC) and Thursday, April 3.

UC-AFT Member Spotlight- Mike Smith, UCSD Map Librarian-- Organizing the Reorg

Mike Smith has been a map librarian for almost twenty years, the last seven of which he’s spent at UCSD where he’s also the GIS coordinator and the state and local documents librarian.