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Bargaining Dates Set...Important Details Remain Unresolved

UCLA Lab School has Bargaining Dates!

UC-AFT Response To UCLA Refusal to Bargain July 15, 2022

On June 21, Anthony Solana, Director of Labor Relations at UCLA, wrote to UC-AFT with an offer of bargaining dates in late July and August, if UC-AFT could establish aucaft190329a.png legal basis and obligation for the University to negotiate.  An offer of bargaining dates and negotiations that is couched in a refusal to bargain unless compelled to negotiate through legal argument, is nothing more than a refusal to negotiate. UC-AFT responded with the legal basis for a full scope of negotiations via the letter in this post.  We sincerely hope that UCLA will commence negotiations on a full side letter, in open (to the public) negotiations via Zoom on August 10.