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Demonstration Teacher Bargaining Fact Sheet September 2022

UCLA Lab School Demonstration Teachers are taking action to get management to negotiate a new MOU covering the range of topics teachers need in order to ensure excellent instruction.  To date, management has only passed a proposal on compensation and is refusing to negotiate other subjects.  This post contains basic, factual information about Demonstration Teachers effort to secure a fair contract. 

UC-AFT Information Sign Up

UC-AFT Letter to Biden on Student Debt Relief

UC-AFT President, Mia McIver, sent this letter to President Biden today asking for robust student debt relief. 

Lab School Bargaining Update #5 August 19

ucaft190329a.pngLab School Management's single proposal, in response to Demonstration Teacher's 20 proposals, takes an extreme and regressive position on compensation. When management delivered this proposal on Friday, August 19, they informed Demonstration Teachers that they would not negotiate on any other subjects of bargaining, including School Calendar.  Since May, Principal Lazo has repeatedly told the Lab School community that the calender she distributed was tentative, subject to negotiations with teachers.  On Friday, she imposed the calender unilaterally with no negotiations. Please read on for more information.

Lab School Bargaining Update #4 August 17, 2022

ucaft190329a.pngOur Demonstration Teacher bargaining team has now passed a complete set of initial proposals!  Our team has done incredible work preparing and presenting these proposals to the management team.  Nearly every Demonstration Teacher has attended bargaining to show their support and encourage the administration to work with us. Please read the full update, which includes our full set of proposals.

Lab School Bargaining Update #3 August 15

ucaft190329a.pngBargaining Session number three is complete.  Next session is on Wednesday, August 17.  Our team will pass our remaining proposals, including compensation.  The university and Lab School administration will have all afternoon on the 17th to provide counter proposals.  Please read on for important details.

Bargaining Update #2 August 11, 2022

UC-AFT Demonstration Teachers have presented 8 proposals in total to the UCLA Lab School Administrative Bargaining Team. We ucaft190329a.pnghave more proposals ready to present this upcoming week. We have not received a single proposal from the University. Our team and our members eagerly await counter proposals from the University.

Bargaining Update #1 August 10, 2022

ucaft190329a.pngNegotiations over the Lab School Demonstration Teacher MOU finally began today.  Please check out this update and check here for additional updates after each of our scheduled bargaining sessions: August 11, 15 and 17.

UCLA Lab School Demonstration Teachers are Ready to Bargain Safely and in Good Faith

As we begin our negotiations, our priority as Demonstration Teachers is to ensure that the UCLA Lab School commu

Unresolved: How to Bargain Equitably, Safely, and Transparently

UC-AFT and the University have agreed to full day bargaining dates on August 10, 11, 15 and 17 or 18.  Unfortunately, the University is insisting onucaft190329a_0.png risky in-person bargaining sessions and closed negotiations. COVID rates are still high and the beginning of the school year is weeks away. UC-AFT will not unnecessarily risk our members health and the beginning of the school year by meeting in person.  UC-AFT is committed to open, democratic and transparent bargaining processes.  We have negotiated all contracts in open sessions for the last four years.  Transparency in the process is a core value for UC-AFT and in the best interest of the Lab School community.