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Unit 18 Bargaining Update #9


29 July 2011


First of all, thank you to those members who voted in our contract extension ballot; the authority to extend the contract passed by a very large margin. And, this afternoon, we signed an agreement to extend the contract to the 31st of August. All of its provisions will remain in effect until then.

State Auditor Releases Report on UC's use of Public Funds

The California State Auditor released their audit of UC this morning.  The UC Union Coalition lobbied for the audit, and it was supported by State Senator Leeland Yee.  

The report confirms several things we already knew.  

1.  There continue to be real problems with transparency and accountability around UC finances.  

2.  Over 60% of UC's public funds are not restricted.  

Librarian Bargaining Update #3

Librarian Bargaining Update July 15, 2011

Mike Rotkin, Chief Negotiator, Unit 17 UC-AFT

The two teams met in Oakland at the Office of the UC President (UCOP) this past Friday. It was a relatively brief meeting in which we clarified some questions and asked for additional information in response to the Information Request that the UC-AFT filed about two weeks ago.

In brief, what the information we requested shows is that:

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #8- Contract Extension Vote



Our contract expires on 31 July 2011. The bargaining team is doing everything it can to insure that we have a new agreement before then. Realistically, given the large bureaucratic organization that is UC, our experience has shown that we will likely not reach an agreement before expiration.

Librarian Bargaining Update #2 June 21, 2011

Consistent with their hope that the Librarians will just get frustrated and give up on our struggle for a decent wage, the Administration today in bargaining offered their salary proposal. Hoping to pressure us into an early and complete retreat, they not only offered us no salary improvement, but set a timeline on when Librarians would get any merit increases they have earned.

The proposal is as follows. If we agree to take no salary increase on or before July 15, Librarians who have earned merit increases this year will get the increases paid(one assumes retroactively) to July 1. If we wait to settle for nothing until after July 15, Librarians will get their increases paid on the first of the month that is at least 30 days after we settle.

Librarian Bargaining Update #1

Librarian Bargaining Update 

June 7, 2011

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #7



Forgive the delay in writing with Update #7. This update will be mercifully brief. Last week, one of the main UC management team had a death in the family. We therefore cancelled bargaining, and are next scheduled to meet on 11-12 July and then on five other days in July. The first meeting will be an important meeting, and you should expect to hear from us very soon thereafter, given that the contract is scheduled to expire on 31 July.  There will be more to say at that time.

Kind Words and a Donation for UC-AFT

Donald Johns was a lecturer in the Writing Program at UC Davis for many years.  Upon his retirement this spring, Donald provided a monetary gift to the UC-AFT Local at Davis, and had the following kind words for his union.

Online students dispute extra fees they paid

This article was originally published in the San Francisco Chronicle on Friday June 3, 2011.

Hundreds of California community college students who pay extra fees to access online course content may be owed a refund for inappropriate charges if they can't download the material for future reference.

Local 2141 Spring Reception

IMG_0254.JPGLocal 2141 held our annual spring reception on Friday May 27th at the MCC Lounge.  We displayed the professional work of about a dozen of our members, had a great presentation of some recent research being done by Anthropology lecturer, Sabrina Curran, gave a pitch for the Unit 18 Professional Development Fund, and a brief mention of UC-AFT's endorsements for the UCRS elections.