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Local 1474 (UCB) Letter to Tom Leonard

August 23, 2011

Tom Leonard
University Librarian
The Library--Librarian's Office
255 Doe Library
UC Berkeley campus                                                                     

Dear Tom,

Local 2141 (UCSB) Letter to Denise Stephens

18 August 2011

Dear Denise,

As you might be aware, over the years salaries for University of California librarians have fallen behind salaries for librarians in the California State University system and California community colleges—currently the gap is around twenty percent (20%). Over the years UC librarians have been asking for gradual raises to bring their salaries into line with their peers in state university and community college libraries. In every round of negotiations we are told that the university doesn’t have the money and it is a bad time to ask.

Local 2199 (UCSC) Letter to Virginia Steel

Virginia Steel

University Librarian

University Library

University of California, Santa Cruz

Dear Ginny,

We write you, in your capacity as both our University Librarian and the incoming convener of the Council of University Librarians, to express our shared concern at the University's decision to withhold the merit increases due librarians in the most recent review period, pending the conclusion of salary reopener negotiations between the Office of the President and the University Council—American Federation of Teachers.

Local 2034 (UCSD) Letter to Brian Schottlaender

August 31, 2011
Brian E. C. Schottlaender
The Audrey Geisel University Librarian
UC San Diego Libraries

Unit 17 Bargaining Update #4

Librarian negotiators Jared Campbell (UCD), Miki Goral (UCLA), Ken Lyons (UCSC), and Harrison Dekker (UCB) met with the management team of Helen Henry (UCD), Tammie Dearie (UCSD), Susan Wong (UCB), Gloria Robledo (UCLA) and UC chief spokesperson Peter Chester on Thursday September 1, 2011.

Over the last 10 days, there's been a lot of activity on the campuses as each local drafted and delivered signed letters to their UL. Davis was the first campus to hold a meeting with their UL. At Berkeley, the UL attended a forum with 32 librarians armed with prepared questions. Santa Cruz was shut out from a meeting after receiving a letter from the UL stating that due to bargaining she was unable to meet.

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #11


Bargaining Update #11


I write to update you on the state of lecturer negotiations after this week’s sessions in Oakland. We have, I believe, entered into the final phase of these negotiations.

Sac Bee LtE from Local 2023 President and UCD Librarian, Axel E. Borg

UC librarians got no raises

Re "Raises in store for many UC staff, faculty members" (Capitol in brief, Aug. 18): The story implies that nonrepresented employees have not had increases in the last four years while represented employees have received increases. UC librarians are represented and have not had a salary adjustment for more than seven years. Currently our salaries lag more than 20 percent behind librarians in the CSU system.

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #10


August 10, 2011


We continue to make progress at the table. After two full days of bargaining this week, we have reached a tentative agreement on Article 6, which we hope will lead to more annual, as opposed to quarter by quarter, appointments. We have also completed bargaining on the Appointment Articles (7a,7b, and 7c) with the exception of a single issue in Article 7a and a single issue in Article 7b. We are very close to coming to agreement on these two  rather challenging issues.

Online community college students more likely to fail, withdraw

This article was originally posted on the website, California Watch on July 20, 2011

As California's community colleges add more online classes to their offerings, a new report from the Community College Research Center has found that students are more likely to fail or withdraw from online courses than from traditional ones.