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Raising UC--Video from UC-AFT Local 2199

Myths about public workers mask gross inequalities

This post by UCLA English Professor, Saree Makdisi, was originally published in the Sacramento Bee on May 1, 2011.

The current obsession with state workers' wages and benefits, which has been sweeping the nation from the Midwest to California, is distracting Americans from the real economic questions we should urgently be asking ourselves.

Librarian Bargaining Update May Day 2011

The UC-AFT and the UC Administration have now exchanged opening proposals for changes in the Salary Article, which is the only article involved in the current reopener. The initial proposals are “sunshined” (a new verb) or published for the public on May 6.

The Battle Over Online Education Continues

This post was originally published on May 3, 2011 on the blog, Changing Universities.

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #5



The Online Witch Hunt--Bob Samuels

One of the risks of moving classes online is that the faculty can become subject to surveillance and political intimidation.  This threat has just become reality at the University of Missouri where an instructor has lost his job after a video of his class appeared to show him advocating violence in labor activism.