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UC-AFT V.P. Alan Karras' Political Economy Course Voted Best of Berkeley


Best Class: Political Economy 100

Tell the Senate Rules Committee to Reject David Crane Now!

timthumb.php_.jpegIn a recent op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle, UC Regent Designate, David Crane, wrote that California's public employees should not have collective bargaining rights.  Crane wrote this op-ed shortly after the Governor of Wisconsin used a questionable tactic to strip collective bargaining rights from Wisconsin's public workers.  

Why is UC Borrowing 7 Million to Fund the On-Line Education Pilot Project?

By Wendy Brown
Heller Professor of Political Science and Co-Chair, Berkeley Faculty Association

This post was originally published on the UC Berkeley Faculty Association website

Unit 18 (lecturer) Bargaining Update #4


17 April 2011


I write with Friday’s bargaining update. We are making progress, and at the same time, the differences between the parties are becoming clearer.

Destroying the humanities: UC’s online adventure

This post was originally published on the blog "eats shoots 'n leaves"  by Richard Brenneman on April 16, 2011.

Online Education and the End of UC

This post was originally published on the blog, Changing Universities, on April 14, 2011.

Day of Class Action at California State Universities- April 13

The California Faculty Association, the union of lecturers, tenured faculty and librarians in the CSU system, is holding a Day of Class Action today in protest of proposed budget cuts to higher education in California.  There will be actions on twenty-three CSU campuses today.

Here's a link to a story in the S.F. Chronicle: 

April 4th Media Coverage