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Bob Samuels Appointed to UCRP Investment Advisory Group

UC Regents Appoint Union Leader to UCRP Advisory Group 

UC-AFT President vows to push investment strategies that will provide long-term 

stability to the University of California pension plan 


UC-AFT Gears Up for Lecturer and Librarian Bargaining

By Mike Rotkin, UC-AFT Local 2199 President & UC-AFT V.P. for Organizing

We are now getting into bargaining season, and no doubt there is some stormy weather ahead. On March 30, we had our third Lecturer (Unit 18) bargaining session and Librarian bargaining is set to begin in May.

Unit 18 Bargaining Update #2


11 March 2011


Formated Generic Archive


UC-AFT Insider March 2011

University Council-AFT Insider
March 1, 2011

In this issue:

  • March 2nd Actions at UC and Statewide
  • Protecting American Workers, the Middle Class and Your Right To a Union
  • UC Regent, David Crane, Wants to Eliminate Your Union
  • Understanding the UC Budget Part II 
  • Unit 18 Bargaining Update #1

March 2nd Actions at UC and Statewide

Follow this link for a list of actions taking place on UC campuses and across the state.

UC-AFT Insider February 2011

University Council-AFT Insider
February 1, 2011

In this issue:

  • Budget Cuts Loom- Which Way to the May Revise?
  • Unit 18 Bargaining- Initial Proposals Exchanged
  • Reduced Social Security Deduction- Money for nothing?
  • Part Time Salary Scale and Benefits Equity Bill 


UFRE- UCAFT Contract