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Alternative Commission on the Future Weighs Different Options for UC’s Budget Plan

UC-AFT Insider May 2010

UC-AFT Insider
May 1, 2010

In this issue:

  • Post-Employment Benefits Presentations Over--Questions Remain
  • Alternative Commission on the Future of UC Convenes at UCLA
  • UC-AFT Legislative Update—Blocking Confirmation of Regent-designate Charlene Zettel
  • Bob Samuel’s Huffington Post Articles
  • Berkeley Inter-Collegiate Athletics Battle Continues


Alternative Commission on Future of UC Convening at UCLA

 On May 4th from 5-7pm at Humanities 135, faculty, workers, and students will meet together to discuss an alternative Commission for the Future of the University.  The first hour will consist of presentations outlining specific recommendations, while the second hour will revolve around a democratic selection of the top suggestions.  After this meeting, we will present our recommendations to the media and the Office of the President. 

UC-AFT Meets with Steinberg and Zettel to Discuss Joint Governance of UCRP

On Wednesday April 21, UC-AFT Vice President for Legislation Axel Borg and UC-AFT Exectuive Director Karen Sawislak joined with leaders of other UC unions at the Capitol office of Senate President pro Tem Darrel Steinberg for an unusual face-to-face meeting with the University leaders on the subject of governance of the UC pension fund.  

UC-AFT Works to Block Legislative Confirmation of Regent Zettel

UC-AFT and the UC union coalition are continuing our work to block confirmation by the State Senate of UC Regent designate Charlene Zettel.  Zettel is a former republican State Assembly member from east San Diego County.

Increased Pension Contributions- What level is Currently Justified?

UC-AFT questions the necessity of an even faster start-up of employee contributions now being urged by some faculty -- and UC-AFT calls for greater accountability in the management of the fund, including employee representatation on the UCRP governing Board.   

Campus Post-Retirement Benefits Presentation Schedule

UCOP – March 31





March 31


Kaiser Auditorium

Faculty, Staff 


UCI – April 5

2nd Statewide Mobilizing Conference to Save Public Education 4/24 in L.A.


Please click the article title above to see the full announcement for the April 24th Statewide Mobilizing Conference.

UCSD Coalition Letter to V.C. Paul Drake re: Ricardo Dominguez

April 5, 2010


Professor Paul Drake, Senior Vice-Chancellor Acadamic Affairs

UC San Diego

9500 Gilman Dr.

La Jolla